Stomach-churning footage shows Dr Pimple Popper extracting a revolting ‘cheesy’ lump from a woman’s face
The huge cyst was the gift which kept on giving
DEVOTEES of Dr Pimple Popper will know how stomach-churning her videos can be, but this may actually be the worst yet.
The footage shows Dr Sandra Lee taking on a massive cyst on a woman’s cheek.
It’s an epidermoid cyst, which is a benign growth that often develops on the face or neck.
They are pretty common, which is a horrific thought when you watch what comes out of the huge lump.
Dr Lee kicks things off by numbing the area, which is a good thing because she then goes in with a giant scalpel.
That’s used to cut into the growth, after which a huge flap of skin is tugged away to give better access to what’s lurking beneath.
And you might regret watching when you see just what that is.
To give you a taster, here’s how Dr Lee describes what’s in the growth on YouTube: “The pasty contents are mostly composed of macerated keratin (wet skin cells), which creates this “cheesy” consistency, and there can be a pungent odour.”
You’re welcome.
On to the real deal… there is a lot of gunge into that bulge.
Once the medic starts squeezing there is a fear that she will never be able to stop.
The yellow goo sprays out of the cyst like whipped cream coming out of a can.
Then, when you think it can’t get any worse, she stops, opens the hole up even more and squeezes more gunk out.
She keeps going, until she yanks out a massive wad of gunge which looks quite like a cotton wool ball.
Thankfully after that it seems things are sorted, although the giant hole left on the woman’s cheek is pretty gruesome.
Of course, Dr Lee is a dab hand when it comes to this kind of thing. She's previously got rid of a massive growth from a patient's back and showcased her favourite squeezes to date.