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Labour of love.

You don’t have to push and you may vomit…the 9 things your doctor doesn’t tell you about childbirth

If you are expecting a baby for the first time, here is some advice that even family and friends might not reveal

HAVING a baby for the first time can be a scary experience and there are bound to be some surprises.

Even though you are bombarded with advice, there are a few things that your doctor –and even your family and friends – might not tell you.

The secrets of giving birth are not always passed on
The secrets of giving birth are not always passed onCredit: Getty Images

Here are a few of the things you should know before you hit the labour ward,  according to the

You don’t have to push

Many women worry that they won’t know when to push or won’t do it enough but the truth is your body pretty much takes care of it, thanks to the foetal ejection reflex.

Midwife Tracy Donegan said: “The top of the uterus starts to get thicker and thicker and it almost rolls up behind your baby like a tube of toothpaste.

“Once the baby’s head triggers that reflex, it starts to push your baby out. It literally ejects your baby.”

You’ll still have the reflex with an epidural and without one, the reflex is irresistible, she added.

Studies suggest that being told to push when your body doesn’t want to can cause pelvic damage.

Your body will do the pushing for you
Your body will do the pushing for youCredit: Getty Images

Getting waxed is unnecessary

The doctors don’t care whether you are shaved, waxed or even whether you’ve showered, according to gynaecologist Dr Kelly Kasper.

But if it makes you feel better, go ahead.

You might vomit and poo

Many women are sick when in labour and pooing while you push is very common, But the doctors and nurses don’t care – they’ve seen it all before.

You can eat during labour

If you feel like snacking between contractions then do.

The bodily functions are more efficient if you are well fed. Once in hospital, however, they may not let you eat in case of the necessity of a C-section.

You have more time than you think

So your waters are broken and the hospital is likely to tell you to get there within 24 hours so they can induce the birth to prevent infection.

However, going 72 hours before being induced is safe and gives you the time to go into labour naturally.

In fact, 50 percent of women with premature rupture of membranes give birth within 5 hours and 95 percent with 28 hours, a study in the New England Journal of Medicine found.

You don’t have to lie on your back

Give gravity a chance to lend a hand instead. If you push in a more upright position or squat it can help but listen to your body.

Whatever position you feel is right is probably the best one for you.

Peace and calm is the best atmosphere for the birth
Peace and calm is the best atmosphere for the birthCredit: Getty Images

You don’t need to give birth in the spotlight

The labour suite is usually swamped with white light which may help the doctor but doesn’t help you.

There are melatonin receptors in the uterus that help oxytocin, the hormone that produces contractions while you’re in labour. Low light increases melatonin, the lights should be kept dim.

Keep the numbers down

While you might want family members to be there you might regret that on the day.

Giving birth is an intimate and private experience and after the event you’ll be exhilarated but exhausted, so peace and calm are the best things for it.