Ever wondered why raspberry Slush Puppies are blue? There’s actually a very simple reason for it
And before you ask... no, there isn't such a thing as a blue raspberry
WE take certain things in life for granted and simply don’t queary them.
Take the raspberry-flavoured Slush Puppie, for instance.
Millions of Brits have grown up with the icy beverages – but few of us, either as children or adults, have questioned why on earth they’re blue.
In case it’s escaped your attention, raspberries are, in fact, red… never blue.
However, there’s a simple reason raspberry Slush Puppies are blue – it’s to make sure customers don’t confuse them with the red cherry flavour.
Other confectionery brands do it too, distinguishing raspberry-flavoured treats – like ice lollies or sweets – from strawberry or cherry ones.
Slush Puppie was created by J & J Snack Foods in 1974 and boasts two major components – a special syrup mixed with water and then frozen.
Original owners, Will Radcliff, his sister Phyllis and their mum Thelma, came up with the name while sitting on their front porch in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Starting out as a tiny business operating out of their home, it swelled in size and grew to sales of £20million per year.
Will sold the company to Cadbury Schweppes for £13million in 2000, before New Jersey food manufacturer J & J Snack Foods acquired Slush Puppie in 2006.