Sun Club
Dr Keith Hopcroft

Make those precious ten minutes with your GP count by being prepared, planning ahead and knowing your medication

GPs want to increase appointments from ten minutes to 15

You may have heard that GPs want to increase appointments from ten minutes to 15.

That is great news . . . so long as you can get an appointment, of course. But I wouldn’t hold your breath.

Dr Keith Hopcroft with a patientCredit: Getty Images

It will be ages before we have the workforce to provide patients with quarter-hour slots.

In the meantime, you don’t want to waste a single second of those precious ten minutes. Here’s how:

1. Cut the chit-chat. It’s nice of you to ask how I am. But believe me, with GP-land being so stressful, you really don’t want to know. And my family? Again, sweet of you to enquire. Trouble is, two minutes of social chat means one fifth of your appointment has gone. So let’s cut to the chase.

2. Don’t beat around the bush. You may be embarrassed about your problem. And it might be awkward finding the right words — clear but not crude — to name your poorly body bits. But don’t worry. We’ve heard it all before. Just come straight out with it.


3. Avoid umming and aahing. Every hesitation eats into your consultation. So get your story straight while you’re waiting in reception.

Your doc will want to know what your symptoms are, how long you’ve had them, how often they happen, what makes them better or worse and so on.

4. Know your meds. Your doc may want to check what pills you’re taking. Answers like, “The pink ones” don’t get us very far. So make sure you’re up to speed with the pills you’re popping. Or bring them with you.


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5. Let us know what you’re after. Sometimes, you’ll have a clear “agenda”. It could be anything from the contraceptive pill to a sick note. Tell us early on — that can save us going down a lot of blind alleys.


6. Prioritise. GPs don’t much like lists — if you’ve got five problems, that’s only two minutes for each. On the other hand, we realise you’ve waited a while to be seen and so want your money’s worth.

But if you do have more than one problem, make sure you mention the most important first.

We don’t want to spend the bulk of the consultation discussing your ingrowing toenail when the real issue is your chest pain.

Makesure your appointment goes smoothly by prioritising and planning aheadCredit: Alamy

7. Plan ahead. Waterworks problems? Chances are we’ll want to test your wee. So bring a sample. It’ll save delays or even avoid you having to book another appointment.

8. Tell us what’s worrying you. You’ve gone to all that trouble to make an appointment so you must be pretty worried about your symptoms.

Maybe you’re fretting that your headache’s a brain tumour, your numbness is MS or your tiredness is diabetes.

Don’t be shy — ’fess up if you have a specific concern. That’ll help us focus and reassure as appropriate.


9. Bring any evidence. Rash that comes and goes? Bring a photo of it at its worst. Keep passing out? Invite an eyewitness to give a clear account.

After all, a picture — or eyewitness — can paint a thousand words. And saves a lot of time.

10. Don’t layer up if you need an examination. This one’s for winter. No, I don’t want you to get hypothermia. But if you’re trussed up like an Eskimo, it can take ten minutes just for you to get your kit off. Which doesn’t leave much time for anything else.

But don’t worry. Even though the slot’s ten minutes, we’ll always give you the time you really need.


Mind you, if you follow all of the above advice, I should be able to sort you out in one minute flat.


Q I HAD a sore throat and swollen glands recently. My GP diagnosed glandular fever. He said I had to stop playing football for a month and avoid alcohol. Why?

Richard, by email

A Glandular fever is a common viral infection. A mild case might produce symptoms no worse than a bad cold or a touch of flu, so you might not even realise you have had it.

More severe attacks cause a very sore throat, swollen glands – especially in the neck – and tiredness.

It is diagnosed through a blood test. There is no specific treatment needed, as your body will fight it off.

But it can leave you feeling below-par for weeks or even months. In the early stages, the virus can also affect some internal organs, especially your liver and spleen.

These recover after a month or two. But you should steer clear of booze until your liver has recovered. And the standard advice is to skip contact sports to avoid possible injury to your spleen.

Q I HAVE had bouts of vomiting for more than a year and it has been much worse in the last few months.

It’s now happening weekly and I’ve lost more than two stone in the past couple of months. I’ve had lots of tests but they haven’t turned up anything. What would you advise?

Tracey, by email

A Repeated vomiting has many causes – some nasty, some minor. But weight loss is always a worrying symptom and should be taken seriously.

It is reassuring that your tests so far have been OK. On the other hand, it certainly sounds as though there is something wrong.

It is difficult to be more specific without more detail.

But what’s absolutely clear is that you need to go back to your doc to explain that your symptoms are getting worse and so may need investigating further. Be sure to mention your weight loss.

Q I HAVE a sebaceous cyst on my arm. My doctor doesn’t seem particularly bothered about it, but can I have it cut out?

Mike, by email

A sebaceous cyst is a small, harmless lump within the skin. They are very common.

The usual advice is to leave them. The only way to cure them is via a small op – but this leaves a scar and the cyst may come back so cutting yours out would only be advised if it was causing you problems, like repeated infections of the cyst.

Dr Hopcroft cannot be held liable for advice given here as answers to queries can only be given in general terms. If you are seriously worried about your health, please book an appointment with your own GP.
