What do your stars have in store for you today?
Your horoscopes for September 4
Aries - March 21-April 20
As Mercury starts to rewind it brings back opportunities and this time you’ll make the most of them at work and in your private life.
You take a second look at your relationships and recognise real love, even if it links you to a surprise person.
Taurus - April 21-May 21
This is such a power-packed week for love.
Long-term relationships become more passionate, and if you’re single you’ll find thelove of your life.
Libra - September 23-October 23
A brilliant future is about to begin as Jupiter arrives in your sign and stays there for a whole year.
You’ll have the self- belief and luck to turn the projects you care about into winners.
Plus, very special words of love could be spoken.
Scorpio - October 24-November 22
Trust is a hot topic between partners and helps you build a very resilient and romantic relationship.
Or if you’re single, a caring friend does wild match-making, and it’s a success.
Work-wise, doubts disappear as you make smart decisions.
Sagittarius - November 23 - December 21
A new relaxed approach gets a relationship off to a great start – or can add an interesting twist to an established partnership.
A work choice is easier now you get a clearer view of projects and people who are genuinely good for you.
Capricorn - December 22 - January 20
You may think the new ambitions taking shape in your mind are aiming too high.
But the bigger the challenge, the better you do. Choosing real love, with its highs and occasional lows, makes you happier than a fairytale romance.
Aquarius - January 21 - February 18
Family relationships are getting warmer and plans to work together should go well. Single?
Venus love-matches you with a newcomer who looks just like a former partner, but is smarter and sexier.
A text has a lucky hidden meaning.
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
Success can be yours in many ways and though extra cash will be welcome a confidence boost may be more valuable.
Love can play a rewarding role now you realise that it’s what people do that matters more than the promises they make.