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Oh baby!

Woman dropped half her body weight after doctors told her she was too obese to fall pregnant… and is now a mum

Ashleigh Williams was 28 stone at her heaviest

MOST people who've lost weight can remember the moment they decided to make a change.

For Ashleigh Williams, from Australia, it was when she got married to her husband Ken and realised her bulk was stopping her from starting a family.

Ashleigh Williams
Ashleigh knew she had to slim down if she wanted kidsCredit: Ashleigh Williams/facebook

At her heaviest she was 28 STONE, and doctors warned her she wouldn't be able to have a baby.

After being told she'd need fertility treatment but couldn't have it until she slimmed down, Ashleigh changed her whole life.

She had gastric surgery and within six month she'd dropped six stone.

Ashleigh Williams
She decided to have a gastric bandCredit: Ashleigh Williams/facebook
Ashleigh Williams
And now couldn't be happierCredit: Ashleigh Williams/facebook

Her weight loss slowed down though, so Ashleigh decided to get help from a professional.

"I realised that the only way I was going to succeed in my goal was to hire a personal trainer and have them work with me to lose weight and eat healthy and train the right way," she .

Over the next year, the 28-year-old lost another 7st 8lb.

Even better than her new slimline figure was what came next though, as Ashleigh discovered she was pregnant just days before she was due to start IVF treatment.

"I took nine different pregnancy tests within an hour. I was shocked, we couldn't believe it – I couldn't speak, I was hysterical," she grinned.

Ashleigh Williams
Ashleigh is now a mumCredit: Ashleigh Williams/facebook
Ashleigh Williams
And she works out 4 afternoons a weekCredit: Ashleigh Williams/facebook

Ashleigh is now a proud mum to eight-month-old Atticus.

Her journey hasn't been easy though, and she wants other to realise there is no magic way to lose weight.

She works out religiously, exercising four afternoons every week.

The right food is essential too, so she focuses on filing up with lots of protein from chicken.

Ashleigh Williams
She is careful about what she eats, but doesn't deny herself treatsCredit: Ashleigh Williams/facebook

Things aren't boring though - Ashleigh still has wine and fizzy drinks, but she doesn't gorge on them all the time.

Losing the weight has had a huge impact on her life too - amazingly, her sight has improved so much she doesn't wear glasses anymore.
