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Should the NHS pay for cooking classes, sewing sessions and yoga teaching to improve people’s health?

Activities like yoga, cooking and sewing are being used to treat conditions like cancer, diabetes and depression

FORGET drugs – prescriptions for sewing and cooking classes are helping patients recover.

Conditions such as depression, cancer and diabetes are being treated with the likes of massage, acupuncture, yoga and gardening.


Prescriptions for sewing and cooking classes are helping patients with mental health conditions

But can “social prescribing” really make a difference to patients’ lives?

Dr Michael Dixon is co-chairman of the Social Prescribing Network set up by The University of Westminster and the College of Medicine.

He says that for 20 per cent of patients, the biggest problems they face are loneliness, lack of confidence, debt and unemployment.

He said: “Social prescriptions are increasing as patients find it changes their lives and the NHS finds it is a solution that saves money.”

But many doctors are sceptical. Toni Hazell, a GP based in Tottenham, north London, says there is little evidence that “social prescribing” can benefit health.


Social prescriptions are increasing as patients find it changes their lives and the NHS finds it is a solution that saves money

She said: “I see lots of disease that could be prevented by a healthy diet, exercise or stress reduction but I’m sceptical about art clubs, knitting and unproven holistic therapies.

“They are all lovely things to do and I’m sure they make people feel better. But can we afford them?”

And Dr Barbara Mariposa, a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, is worried about a lack of regulation.

She said: “Who is maintaining standards and managing the patients? Who is liable for their care should things go wrong?

“Antidepressants can be life-saving. There is a real risk of people with mental health issues not responding positively, having ditched any pharmaceutical support.”

Despite expert concerns, patients prescribed social activities are incredibly positive about the effect on their health.

Here, four Brits share their stories.


I feel like I've been rescued from a deep pit

A textiles class helped Kathy Barnet, 60, cope with her depressionCredit: Array

KATHY BARNET, 60, from Lambeth, South London, has been going to textile workshops at the CoolTan Arts Centre near her home for a year. She says:

My daughter Heather was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 1992. She was ten and I became her full-time carer. They couldn’t operate, her condition deteriorated over the years and she passed away in 2014, aged 32. Her death left a huge hole in my life. I felt I had no direction. I’d been on antidepressants for years anyway.

Unable to cope, I spoke to my GP who referred me to an NHS-funded centre where people used arts to help people heal. I’ve always been creative and thought it was a fantastic idea.

About a year ago, I started a textiles class – sewing and weaving while chatting to other people who had been struggling with mental health issues. It gave me a reason to leave the house. I’ve been mostly sewing drawstring bags, skirts and cushion covers. Being creative gives me a feeling of self-worth.

The doctor could have just prescribed higher-strength anti-depressants but this wouldn’t have healed me.

I’d have been stuck at home instead of being out making new friends. I feel I’ve been rescued from a deep pit.


I have new friends and much more energy

Visitor Safety Induction
Diabetic Phil Spoors, 62, was offered tai chiCredit: North News and Pictures

PHIL SPOORS, 62, a retired property services officer from Newcastle, was offered tai chi to help fight his diabetes. He says:

I was diagnosed with diabetes eight years ago. At 19st I was overweight and I suffer from high blood pressure, so my health was far from perfect. Last year I was approached at my GP’s by someone from the Ways to Wellness scheme and she explained NHS-funded services they could provide. I’d been desperate to start exercising again but with little money and back and knee pain, I didn’t know how.

My GP referred me to the course and within weeks I was having sessions at the Newcastle Health Works gym. I started going to Choose to Lose circuit classes, dance and, more recently, tai chi.

The feeling of calm the classes give is amazing. They emphase abdominal breathing, balance and strengthening the back and core. It’s not easy but the happy vibe makes you want to carry on and progress.

I’ve lost more than 2st, made friends and have more energy. I can take my border collie for four-mile walks several times a week now. A year ago I could hardly walk 200 yards.



For the first time in my life, I am happy

Saffron Saidi, 44, signed up for a weekly cooking group to improve her mental healthCredit: Array

SAFFRON SAIDI, 44, a volunteer, from Brixton, South London, has been cooking to help with mental health issues. She says:

I had a difficult childhood and was put into care at age four. My mum was alcoholic and Dad had schizophrenia. I was sent to boarding school and then, aged eight, was placed in a foster home.

I struggled in my twenties and thirties and was on and off antidepressants. I was diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder, which means I worry over how I look. I’d always cover all my body and wear a hat, coat and sunglasses, even indoors. I also have the skin disorder nodular prurigo, meaning my skin is baggy and I have lesions all over my body.

But when I walked in the door of the CoolTan centre, I felt I’d found a sanctuary. I signed up for the weekly cooking group which taught budgeting, nutrition and the most delicious vegetarian recipes.

Best was the healthy ice lollies, using everything from mint to lemongrass. I also go to art classes and help at the centre. I haven’t been on antidepressants for years. I don’t wear hats and sunglasses inside. For the first time in my life, I’m happy.


Everyone should have access to this

Sammy Browning
Breast cancer survivor Sammy Browning, 28, took up yoga and reikiCredit: INS News

SAMMY BROWNING, 28, a marketing assistant from Surbiton, South West London, enjoyed reiki, massage and yoga sessions last year after treatment for breast cancer. She says:

After noticing a lump in my left breast in 2014, I was diagnosed with an aggressive grade-three tumour and told I needed urgent treatment.

After two lumpectomies, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, I was told the cancer had gone, which was amazing, but I was in pieces physically and mentally.

Immediately after I was diagnosed I was offered ten NHS-funded vouchers for complementary treatments but I only wanted to use them when the treatment had finished. I had done yoga before so used five of the vouchers for that. But over three months I also had a reiki session, which really helped me relax.

Having had my body pumped full of drugs, something like yoga helps balance you. Focusing on the spiritual element of healing is also lovely.

For a while I was allowed to forget I’d battled cancer. From what I’ve heard online, though, I’m lucky. Not everyone in the UK has access to this – but they should.
