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Grease is the word

The water’s too hot … and eight other common mistakes that make hair looks greasy

There are reasons your hair looks lank just hours after you've washed it

IS your hair lank and greasy almost as soon as you’ve washed it?

If you struggle to get your locks looking luscious, even when you’ve changed shampoos and washed it frequently, there could be several causes.

Is your hair greasy all the time?
Is your hair greasy all the time?Credit: Alamy

Here are nine reasons that your hair is looking greasy.


You're washing it too often.

When hair is greasy it’s tempting to wash every day but, unless you live in highly polluted area or you work out daily, this can do more harm than good,

The scalp responds to over-washing by producing more oil to replenish the oil lost, leaving your hair greasy.

You could be washing your hair too often
You could be washing your hair too oftenCredit: Getty Images

You're not washing often enough.
Many people have tried the no shampoo experiment recently but it’s not a great idea. Sejal Shah, M.D., a New York-based dermatologic surgeon told Good Housekeeping: “Oil, dead skin cells and debris builds up on the scalp, weighing down the hair.”

You’re using conditioner wrongly.

Using conditioner on the scalp will add to grease, as they have oily ingredients. Experts suggest you should apply the conditioner from the middle of the hair downwards.

Don't brush your hair 100 times a day
Don't brush your hair 100 times a dayCredit: Getty Images

You’re brushing too much

Forget the old wives tale, brushing your hair 100 times a day will make it look a lot worse.

Dr Shah said:  “Over-brushing can stimulate more oil production.”
Your styling products are too heavy.

Waxes and styling creams are made with natural oils and make hair greasier. Choosing lightweight products will make your hair less greasy.



Lank, greasy hair can be down to several factors
Lank, greasy hair can be down to several factorsCredit: Getty Images

The shower is too hot.

Being hot-headed is not good. Dr Shah said:  “Scalp skin can become dry with overexposure to hot water, resulting in dry skin and overproduction of oil to compensate.”


Hair irons flatten you hair to your head and lead to more contact with natural oils.

This can leave you hair looking lank and greasy.

Hair straighteners could be the culprit
Hair straighteners could be the culpritCredit: Getty Images

Your curling wand, straighteners and brushes are dirty.

Dirty hairstyling tools put oil and dirt onto the hair. Clean them regularly, using the manufacturers instructions.

You're using dry shampoo too often.
Dry shampoo can build up on the scalp and soak up oil. It needs to be regularly washed out to keep the hair’s lustre.

Hair products could add more grease to the hair
Hair products could add more grease to the hairCredit: Getty Images