Sun Club
'Mash AND roast potatoes!'

Mumsnet users argue about what a proper roast dinner should contain

Over 200 contributors rushed to air their views on what makes up the perfect Sunday feast

THERE'S nothing better than tucking into a plate piled high with roast beef, crispy potatoes and an assortment of veg on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

But now some Mumsnet users have questioned what actually constitutes the perfect roast dinner.

Mumsnet has questioned the perfect roastCredit: Getty Images

A heated debate was sparked on the parenting forum after one mum asked: “AIBU (Am I being unreasonable) to think you have mash AND roast potatoes with a roast dinner?”

Over 200 contributors rushed to air their views on what makes up the ideal feast.

Some parents agreed with the user's double helping of potatoes.

Over 200 users rushed to air their viewsCredit: Mumsnet

“I’ve always had both as well as meat and veggies, dh (dear husband) thinks you don’t,” wrote Babysafari.


ArmySal added: “I do too (greedy)”, while AndNowItsSeven said: “Yes of course you have both.”

RaspberryOverload said: “My mum is the only person I know who does both. I never do. Roasties only.”

The question sparked fierce debateCredit: Mumsnet

Others were shocked at the suggestion of piling on the spuds.


“I don’t see why you would need both?” commented NoCakeLeft.

Artandco added: “No, you never double carb. Especially the same carb.”

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While ItMustBeBedtimeSurely said: “No. Unless you want to, but it’s definitely not traditional.”

An outraged user called Porcupinetree said: “YABU (You are being unreasonable) mashed potato is disgusting…”


One user called CantChoose said a person's preference might depend on where in the country they live.

A traditional roast features meat, potatoes and vegCredit: Getty Images

“Never. But I have friends who do,” she said. “They are all northern originally, is it a regional thing?”

While a user called Balletgirl mum revealed she goes to town with the potatoes.


“Sometimes we have mash & roasts & boiled,” she revealed.

A traditional roast dinner usually consists of roasted meat, roast potato, and accompaniments such as Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, vegetables and gravy.

The meal is often comparable to a less grand version of a Christmas dinner.
