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Hot skin and leg cramps… these are the first signs that your child has heatstroke

These are the symptoms you should look out for

Children playing in the sun

WITH weather experts predicting the hottest temperatures of the year so far, kids all over the country will be spending the weekend outside.

But while we'll all aware of the the risks of sunburn, your children could also be at risk of heat exhaustion or heatstroke - potentially dangerous conditions.

Children playing in the sun
This weekend is set to be the hottest of the year so farCredit: Getty Images

NHS guidelines state that heat exhaustion occurs when the body becomes very hot and water and salt is lost from the body, causing the sufferer to feel unwell. If left untreated, it can lead to heatstroke - where the body becomes unable to cool itself down, leading to dangerously high body temperature and potentially life-threatening complications due to strain on vital organs.

Children hula hooping in backyard. Image shot 2013. Exact date unknown.
Heatstroke can be life threatening if left untreatedCredit: Alamy

Heatstroke is also known as sunstroke in cases where it is caused by exposure to direct sunlight.

Symptoms can develop as quickly as in just a few minutes, or more gradually over a few hours or even days -  and babies and young children are one of the groups most at risk.

Signs of heat exhaustion

Call 999 if these symptoms don't respond to treatment after 30 minutes

Tiredness and weakness
Feeling faint or dizzy
Decreased blood pressure
Muscle cramps
Nausea and vomiting
Heavy sweating
Intense thirst
A fast pulse
Reduced urinating
Darker urine than usual

Signs of heatstroke/sunstroke

Call 999 immediately if the person shows any of these symptoms

Symptoms of heat exhaustion
Seizures (fits)
Loss of consciousness

Elderly people, those with long term health conditions, people who are dehydrated from other illnesses (such as diarrhoea) and people who exercise heavily are also at risk - while restrictive clothing or a poorly-ventilated environment can be a contributing factor.

If your child, or someone you're with, does show signs of heat exhaustion, it's crucial to act fast to try to cool them down.

Mum applies sunscreen
Symptoms are easy to preventCredit: Getty Images

You can do this by having them lie down in a cool place, removing any unnecessary clothing and cooling their skin with flannels, cool packs, or wrapping them in a cool, wet sheet. You can also fan their skin while it's moist, and give them fluids - ideally water, fruit juice or a sports drink designed to re-hydrate.

Most people should recover with half an hour - but if symptoms do not disappear after 30 minutes, you should call 999.

How to treat heat exhaustion

Have the person lie down in a cool place
Cool the skin with wet flannels, sponges or cool packs
Wrap them in a cool, wet sheet
Fan the skin while it's moist
Give fluids

Although these symptoms sound scary - and can have terrifying consequences - heat exhaustion is easy to prevent. Staying out the sun between 11am and 3pm - making sure to walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear a hat - provides protection. Keeping cool by drinking plenty of cold drinks, eating cold food and taking cool showers and baths can help too.

Mum gives child water
Very young children should be kept out of the sun as much as possibleCredit: Getty Images

Meanwhile, babies less than six months old should be kept out of the sun completely - and older infants should be kept out of direct sunlight as much as possible.

It's also important to keep young children hydrated - with diluted fruit juice, ice cubes and homemade fruit juice lollies all good options if they don't seem keen to drink water.
