Is this the most Jeremy Kyle moment ever? Shocked viewers see couple with a baby reveal they are actually COUSINS
'Violent thug' and girlfriend of three years are exposed as relatives
A COUPLE with a baby were outed as cousins on the Jeremy Kyle show.
Stephanie, who had been with Scott for three years and had a ten-month-old baby, was on the show to confront him over his violent behaviour,
She told Jeremy they had been together for three years and “Met through family.”
But they didn’t reveal that they actually shared the SAME family.
When Scott’s sister Jodie stormed on and accused him of making their mother ill, she slung out that the relationship was “Dirty”.
Jeremy said: “Jodie says your relationship is dirty because apparently you are cousins.”
After a stunned silence, the couple denied it with Scott saying: “How are we cousins? We’re not related at all.”
But Scott’s mum Debbie confirmed they are related, telling Steph: “You biological mum is my first cousin.”
Jezza yelled: “So you are cousins!”
Stephanie claimed she was terrified of “thug” Scott as he frequently smashed up her home in violent rages.
She said she barricaded herself and her baby son into her bedroom during his rampages, and slept on the floor beside the door to stop him getting in.
She said: “I’m scared of my son losing his dad.
“I don’t want my son to grow up thinking that’s how you treat people because it’s not.”
She also told him he had to “Wise up or ship out.”
Steph insisted: “If you don’t change I can’t have you around me and I can’t have you around him.”
After admitting to Jeremy that he was a “violent thug” Scott said he wanted to change.
He added: “I don’t want to lose her. She’s my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”
And the rest of their extended family, no doubt.