This is the stomach-churning moment a woman has a 10-year-old CYST removed from her head
The doctor then proceeds to investigate exactly what is inside the mass - which is not for the fainthearted
The doctor then proceeds to investigate exactly what is inside the mass - which is not for the fainthearted
MOST of us would take a trip to the doctor if we noticed any unusual lumps and bumps on our bodies.
OK so it might take us a couple of weeks to find the time, but if it hadn't cleared up by then we'd definitely hot foot it to the surgery.
Not so for the woman in this video though, who decided to wait a little longer... well, 10 YEARS to be exact.
Yep, this footage shows exactly what a decade-old cyst looks like after it's removed.
Even more mind-blowing, the lump was cut out of the anonymous lady's HEAD.
It's tough to see how she walked around with that gigantic lump on her head - would her hair have even covered it?
Back to the case in point though. Thanks to , we've had a rather disgusting glimpse at what a cyst which has been around for as long as Friends was on screen actually looks like.
"This is a large scalp cyst on a young lady, completely without damage," the doctor explains, as he shows off the huge boil.
Mercifully we aren't shown the actually yanking out of the cyst in great detail, but it's still pretty stomach-churning.
That's because the doctor manages to cut it out without breaking it, much to his apparent excitement.
"Now just watch the cyst, you can see black coloured fluid inside," he marvels.
"I am going to rupture the cyst to see what's inside. Just watch..."
OK, steel yourself - we're going in.
Next, the medical professional starts giving the jelly-like cyst some prods, making it pretty clear there is some kind of fluid inside.
Don't worry we aren't left guessing, as next he cuts open the mass and allows the inside of it to leak out.
"When squeezing you can see the material coming out from the cyst because it's long-standing cyst. This is a sebaceous cyst on the scalp," he clarifies.
Black fluid rushes out of the mass, which is apparently "necrotic fluid material". This translates as rank matter which is left behind after tissue has died.
There's some blood in their food good measure, but no hair which the doctor was expecting. Let's be grateful for small mercies, hey?