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xxx-treme giving

This porn website promises to donate to charity every time people pleasure themselves

Horny do-gooders rejoice! These guys will sponsor your orgasm to spread love in the world

A PORN website is promising to donate to charity every time people pleasure themselves to its content, in an unusually thoughtful marketing bid.

A penny will be given to good causes every time someone watches a video on the aptly-named IJustCame.org – in a bid to make their users feel good about showing some self love.

 This website provides a whole new meaning to the term 'charitable giving'
This website provides a whole new meaning to the term 'charitable giving'Credit: Getty Images

The site’s owners are currently paying out of their own pockets, and have limited users to two donations-a-day.

But they hope that businesses will be sponsoring the orgasms in the not-too-distant future.

 Site visitors can 'donate' twice a day
Site visitors can 'donate' twice a dayCredit: Alamy

There is also a 15 minute cool-off period between each charitable orgasm, according to the .

The self-pleasure pennies will be divided between three charities: Movember, who fund prostate and testicular cancer research, the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, and Joyful Heart Foundation, who help victims of sexual assault.

 The students hope that funds will help provide for some important causes
The students hope that funds will help provide for some important causesCredit: Getty Images

The website was created by two students at Stanford University, in California, USA.

The pair told Huffington Post they deliberately chose charities which work to fight the issues the porn industry is accused of promoting – including sexual assault, rape and revenge porn.

They have already done a trial run, and raised more than £750 for the charities in a month – which adds up to quite a lot of videos viewed.

However, Michigan-based fundraising and non-profit consultant Michael Montgomery warned that the scheme could put others off donating - if they find the link to porn distasteful.

He told Huffington Post: "It could actually deter others from giving".
