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These are the six worst kissing turn-offs… and the six secrets to being a great snog

It's National Kissing Day! Here our resident sex and relationships expert Dr Pam Spurr offers her top tips for puckering up

It's National Kissing Day, and Dr Pam Spurr is here to ensure you kiss like a boss

Our sex and relationship columnist Dr Pam Spurr regularly brings you must-know info for the bedroom and beyond. Follow Dr Pam on Twitter

Pucker up people ‘cause National Kissing Day’s here!

It's National Kissing Day, and Dr Pam Spurr is here to ensure you kiss like a boss
It's National Kissing Day, and Dr Pam Spurr is here to ensure you kiss like a boss!Credit: Getty Images

But don’t just pay lip-service to it, as the effect of sensational snogs should never be underestimated.

Sexology boffins found the first kiss with someone new heavily influences whether we see them again.

Plus the memory of a really bad - or really good - first kiss gets embedded into the amygdala, a part of our brain.

The power of your pout can dictate whether a relationship develops or fails at the first hurdle.

So get it right when you lock lips - you don't want them to put seeing you again into lock down.

The power of your pout can dictate whether a relationship develops or fails at the first hurdle
The power of your pout can dictate whether a relationship develops or fails at the first hurdleCredit: Getty Images

No fear, I'm here to stop you doing these six classic kissing turnoffs!

You know the drill, I’m not going even tell you bad breath takes the thrill away. These turnoffs are more subtle.

Plunging isn't pleasurable

Take it slowly when you know a kiss is on the cards.

Move in like you’ve got all the time in the world. Never plunge in, you risk an awkward kiss.

Plunging isn't cool, guys
Plunging isn't cool, guysCredit: Getty Images

Avoid the washing machine mistake

Yes, you want to get them in a lather with your kisses, but make sure you avoid this type of tongue-action.

This is when you're French kissing, but instead of gentle probing with your tongue, you circle your tongue around and around.

Just like a human washing machine getting the washing powder worked up into a lather.

Because of nerves you might get stuck on this spin cycle, so relax.

Don't get them worked up into a lather like a human washing machine
Don't get them worked up into a lather like a human washing machineCredit: Getty Images

Tonsil tennis

A common kissing complaint from women is men forget their tongues are probably bigger and longer than theirs.

So if you probe deeply with your tongue you may hit her tonsils - a turn off.

Don't go in too deep; hold back a bit until you've judged how your two mouths fit together.

Hopefully nicely, without her thinking her gag-reflex is about to go off.

Chaps, don't forget your tongues are usually longer than a lady's!
Chaps, don't forget your tongues are usually longer than a lady's!Credit: Getty Images

Clashing gnashers

Letting your nerves get the best of you can result in you knocking teeth together.

Unsexy and potentially painful. Soften your lips and touch theirs gently so you avoid this.

Too soggy and you’ll be sorry

I once had a first kiss where his mouth was so wet, it seemed full of saliva – ugh.

No one wants to feel they’re getting licked by an over-eager puppy.

Sogginess is only doable if it’s a Breakfast At Tiffany’s moment and you’re kissing in the rain.

Sogginess is only doable if it’s a Breakfast At Tiffany’s moment
Sogginess is only doable if it’s a Breakfast At Tiffany’s moment

Sucking is for suckers

Pulling at a partner’s lips like you see in pornos - by sucking one of their lips in between yours –is a risky business.

It might look hot on film but sucking too hard hurts.

It's easy to overdo the pressure, giving them the equivalent of a love-bite on the lip - ouch.

Pulling at a partner’s lips like you see in pornos is a risky business
Pulling at a partner’s lips like you see in pornos is a risky businessCredit: Getty Images

Armed with these don’t-dos, you can now get smooching – just keep it smooth, subtle and sensible.

For sex-tra sizzle try these three sexy snogs

The Russian Tease
Relax your lips and gently swish them back and forth against each other's lips. It sets your nerve endings on tingle-mode. Your lips may even swell a tiny bit as they get teased like this.
The Lush Lap
A super-hot kiss using a lapping action. Your lips and tongue need to have some control to keep the lapping motion going over their skin. Press your tongue reasonably firmly against one of their erogenous zones and using a firm lapping action caress that area - try this between her breasts or her inner thighs.
The Eastern Swirl and Poke
Alternate gentle swirling and poking actions with your tongue. Experiment with this during a French kiss or along their erogenous zones. As with other kisses your lips should be relaxed as you alternate these two sensations. Perfect to use on her nipples or during oral sex.

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