‘I gave it to charity… Then bought it back’: One woman reveals the wardrobe disasters she can’t bear to part with – and we can all relate
Research has found that just 20% of a woman’s wardrobe ever gets worn
SINCE she owns more than 2,000 items of clothing, it’s no surprise that freelance PR consultant Hannah Carter, 42, wears only a fraction of her fashion haul.
“I’ve got loads of things that I refuse to throw out, just in case,” she admits.
But Hannah, who lives with her photographer boyfriend Simon Sly, 39, in Brighton, is not alone.
According to one study*, 85 per cent of us are holding on to stuff that doesn’t fit.
Here, she shares her top no-throw items.
Broken prom-ise
“In 1996, I went to my sister Alice’s fancy-dress party as a prom queen, wearing this handmade corseted velvet and satin dress I got for £18 from a junk shop in Bristol.
“I felt gorgeous because it’s so distinctive and a total one-off. I wore it again for my 30th birthday when I dressed up as Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast At Tiffany’s, but it’s way too small now – there’s a big gap at the back that won’t zip up!
“I’ll always hang on to it, though. Who knows? A friend might need it to go somewhere fancy.”
So good I bought it twice
“I got this dress 20 years ago in a Topshop sale, and paid just £6. I loved it because it was so girlie and floaty, and I wore it every summer for years.
“But when I hit 35, I suddenly felt like it was a little too short for a woman my age and was really something a younger person should wear.
“I gave it to charity, but a week later I saw it in the shop window and realised why I’d bought it in the first place – it’s so pretty!
“I ended up buying it back for £6, and although I still think it’s a bit short, I’m sure I’ll be brave enough to wear it on a beach holiday… one day.”
TUTU much
“My tutu is as big and bold as the one Sarah Jessica Parker wore in the title sequence of Sex And The City.
“When I saw it in H&M in 2009, I had to buy it because I’d always thought Carrie looked amazing. But as my body shape changed, I went off it.
“I used to love how it emphasised my hips, but as I’ve got older, I think the big black elastic belt makes my waist look bulky and I don’t feel as elegant in it any more.
“I still can’t throw it out though. Maybe I’ll see it differently again in a few years.”
Trew love
“An ex-boyfriend bought me these leather trousers 15 years ago at a pop-up shop in Brighton for £130.
“Back then I was a size 8, and they were still slightly too small, but the shop assistant insisted they’d stretch to fit like a glove.
“They did – until I put on a bit of weight in my 30s and went up to a size 12.
“A year ago, I managed to squeeze into them, but as I did a squat to try to stretch them, they split in half up the bum!
“I clearly wasn’t as small as I had hoped. I like up-cycling, though, so I’m keeping them – maybe I can turn them into a handbag.”
High hopes
“I picked up these 1970s-style platforms for £20 at Schuh in Cheltenham 23 years ago.
“I’ve only worn them three times – as fancy-dress, with shorts and a glitter boob-tube – but I can imagine them with a strappy dress in summer.
“I’ve got 130 pairs of shoes, and there are always others that are more suitable! But their time will come.”
Having a ball
“OK, I’ll admit it – I will probably never wear this ballgown. I keep it because I’ve almost worn it a million times.
“I got it when I was 29, from a friend who’d inherited 15 bags of clothes after an elderly neighbour died.
“In one of them was this phenomenal maxi-dress with batwing sleeves – something I can imagine Karen Carpenter wearing – and it’s so retro and lovely.
“I was thrilled when my friend gave it to me and didn’t mind that it had belonged to a woman who had passed away.
“Working in PR, I’m often invited to awards ceremonies and parties and I’ve got this out to wear a couple of times.
“But although it really suits me, it’s such a vintage style that it has never been quite right for the occasion.
“I hang on to the hope that I will wear it at some point, as it would be such a crime not to.”
*Source: Fashion Theory
Get some closet control
In need of a declutter? Professional organiser gives her top 5 tips…
1. Start small
Don’t let wardrobe sorting be a task that you fear. Begin with your sock drawer. Empty and wipe it out to symbolise a fresh start then put back all the socks you wear daily followed by your sports and fancy socks. You only need ten pairs per category. The next night do your underwear drawer then one of your wardrobe rails the night after.
2. Embrace the guilt
Stuff with tags on? Clothes you’ve never worn? Feel guilty about getting rid then let go. The next day you’ll only feel happy about being organised.”
3. Do you like it on yourself?
This is a key question to ask. If the answer is ‘no’, sling it. Then ask ‘is it comfortable?’ If something’s itchy, too small, too short or makes you sweat you won’t feel good wearing it so get rid.
4. Box it
Put your seasonal clothes away then before bringing them out at the start of each season only let them back in the wardrobe when you’ve approve each item by asking the questions above.
5. Slim pickings
If you’re keeping items that are too small to inspire you to lose weight, be selective and hang on to only five items because, let’s face it, you hit your target weight you’ll want new stuff anyway!”