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Mystic Meg

What does the summer have in store for you? Our astrologer looks into her crystal ball to find out

Guide to the holiday season will help you see what the next few months hold for your love life, bank balance and holidays

THIS summer, Venus will help transform how we love each other, Mars will add passion and Jupiter and Saturn will help us focus on success.

These planets will work together and help each zodiac sign find romance and passion, build healthy relationships and devise a way to get the most from life.

Mystic Meg helps you see what the stars hold in store for the summer...in our guideCredit: News Group Newspapers Ltd

Whatever you are looking for, Mystic Meg’s guide will help you see what the next few months have in store for your love life, bank balance and your great escapes.

ARIES March 21 - April 20

LOVE: You’re daring, passionate and protective but sometimes you race into relationships and get bored quickly. This summer, things are set to change. Venus goes deep into the heart of your chart and shows you how to take things slowly. You find how amazing true love with a special person can be.
MONEY: You’re so generous, being wise with money is a true challenge. But this summer you can do it and will enjoy the feeling of being in control.
HOLIDAYS: You want to be somewhere new, trying exotic food and enjoying different sensations. It’s not your style but you’re drawn to romantic cities.

TAURUS April 21 - May 21

LOVE: An expert at romance but you can let relationships get too settled. Venus gives you a sense of security and confidence that deepens passion. Couples focus on the future and let mixed memories go. Single? Your new love works in property.
MONEY: Your love of luxury is toned down by sensible Saturn and you will positively enjoy saving cash, having free days out and inspiring others to be cash-wise.
HOLIDAYS: Pleasure and comfort will combine to make sure you get your perfect holiday with efficient hotels and well-kept beaches.

GEMINI May 22 - June 21

LOVE: An expert at romance but you can let relationships get too settled. Venus gives you a sense of security and confidence that deepens passion. Couples focus on the future and let mixed memories go. Single? Your new love works in property.
MONEY: Your love of luxury is toned down by sensible Saturn and you will positively enjoy saving cash, having free days out and inspiring others to be cash-wise.
HOLIDAYS: Pleasure and comfort will combine to make sure you get your perfect holiday with efficient hotels and well-kept beaches.

CANCER June 22 - July 22

LOVE: Intuitive and devoted, you can tune into a partner’s feelings and have the richest store of fantasies. But you do a lot for a partner. Venus gives you new values and you see accepting love is as important as giving it. Single? You meet when making up numbers for a team game. Your new love is rather rich.
MONEY: As the kindest zodiac sign, you are tempted to spend too much on others. But this summer finds you wiser and you will not believe every sob story you hear.
HOLIDAYS: You’re ready to go solo on a trip that also teaches you something new, such as creative writing or painting.

LEO July 23 - August 23

LOVE: Generous, warm-hearted, proud and playful, you fill a partner’s life with glamour and fun. You’re ready to share the limelight and show a gentler side. This can turn a relationship into a super- passionate match of equals. Single? You find love when introduced to actors or share a restaurant table with strangers.
MONEY: You are the zodiac’s natural gambler but have strict planet Saturn helping you to keep to your budget, even when having fun. The surprise is a buzz you get being cash-conscious.
HOLIDAYS: Bahamas luxury suits you but this year you can make a picnic in the garden seem a glamorous holiday

VIRGO August 24 - September 22

LOVE: Passion smoulders under your cool surface. You tend to over-analyse partners but this summer Venus makes you ready to simply believe in love. If you’re free to start a new relationship, someone you first see on screen, then where awards are presented, could be perfect for you.
MONEY: An expert valuation of a vase the family jokes about will provide the rainy-day money you want.
HOLIDAYS: For you, a holiday is always about boosting wellbeing. You love spa breaks but this year are being drawn to places famous for street carnivals and wild holiday romances.

LIBRA September 23 - October 23

LOVE: Sexy charm and seeing life through a partner’s eyes wins you love. But you often keep some affection in reserve in case someone better comes along. Venus encourages you to love with all your heart. Soon, partners will choose rings to mark an anniversary. Single? You find love with a person who works in law but wants to be a comedian.
MONEY: You will get satisfaction from bargain hunting and could be chosen for an advertisement on this theme – which boosts your cash supplies.
HOLIDAYS: This summer you will go somewhere new, with fashion and food that will inspire you.

SCORPIO October 24 - November 22

LOVE: You believe in strong relationships and know all there is to know about a partner, but your air of mystery and passion skills make you irresistible. A long-term relationship turns into real love. Single? Look for The One at a magic show, watching athletes or at a wedding.
MONEY: You have a natural respect for wealth but never boast about it. You’re the sign most likely to discover the one valuable item at a car-boot sale.
HOLIDAYS: It’s not that you’re mean, but you often see a working holiday as the best way to experience a country. This summer, you’ll be kinder to yourself and mix in at a luxury resort.

SAGITTARIUS November 23 - December 21

LOVE: Bright, with very high ideals, you attract people easily. But your independence can derail commitment. Venus helps you see life and love as a shared adventure. In a couple? You can strike the right balance for you. Single? You first notice your new love in a transport queue or a sportswear store.
MONEY: Your “hoping for the best” approach is finally replaced by understanding of how and why you spend money. You’re about to get richer.
HOLIDAYS: Your dream trip will come via a holiday prize this year but remember you also have a gift for turning a walk in the park into an adventure.

CAPRICORN December 22 - January 20

LOVE: Your passion powers are amazing but work can steal time you need to find love. Venus deepens your emotional connections. Single? The best places to meet are at work, a café with spectacular views or a friend’s new house. You will find your soulmate.
MONEY: It sounds sneaky but opening a secret savings account gives you confidence. An idea on a Facebook page about animals makes you richer.
HOLIDAYS: You’re drawn to hills and mountains and usually want to be sure your holiday provides good value for money. But this year, you only want the best of everything.

AQUARIUS January 21 - February 18

LOVE: Fascinating, deep-thinking and quirky, with a gift for blending friendship with romance – that’s you. Your caring heart may be hidden by your cool, clever mind but this summer brings changes as Venus visits your partnership chart and makes you ready to open up to the idea of love.
MONEY: Raising cash for charity or to realise a relative’s dream feels good. Divert just some of that energy into sorting out your personal finances and you could be in the money.
HOLIDAYS: A camper van is your idea of a perfect vacation. This year, however, you compromise and plan to spend a few days in the lap of luxury.

PISCES February 20 - March 20

LOVE: You strive to make your partner’s life perfect. But this means you can overreact if even a fairytale romance has flaws. Venus will help you be more realistic about partnerships and love plans will work beautifully. Single? You find love in a shoe shop.
MONEY: Jupiter makes it easier to get families to share their financial responsibilities. Your personal cash supplies benefit the most from this.
HOLIDAYS: Getting away from it all is your usual aim and the Isle of Skye is still the perfect place to do this. But this year you’re also drawn to a holiday where you can get some photographs of the world’s most beautiful animals.