Make a nappy basket, use a mug as a portable bottle warmer and put a hook on your child’s high chair… plus 10 other tips
Because, unfortunately, there's no official parenting manual
BRINGING a new human being into the world is daunting – and unfortunately there’s no such thing as an official parent manual.
Rather than panic calling your mum in the middle of the night, these baby hacks might just help make life that little bit easier.
Because, when you’re exhausted, every little helps.
Keep track of your baby’s drug doses by writing a chart on the side of the medicine bottle in felt-tip pen. You can tick off the date and time administered as you go.
Stick a hook on the back of your baby’s high chair so you never have to frantically search around the kitchen for a clean bib again.
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Use a mug as a portable bottle warmer. All you need to do is fill it with hot water and wait for your baby’s milk to heat up.
Stop your baby from slipping around in the bath by putting a laundry basket inside the tub. Fill it with bubbles and all of their favourite toys.
Find out if your baby’s nappy needs changing without opening it up. Most diapers have a yellow line on the front that turns blue when your baby is wet.
Stop losing tiny baby socks by washing them in a mesh laundry bag. They also double up as a great washing aid to stop tights knotting together.
Avoid getting covered in poo by pulling your baby’s onesie down off them rather than over their head. The envelope folds in the corners of the all-in-one are there to help you do this.
Decant child-friendly soap into an easy press down bottle to making cleaning your baby a breeze.
Place a cot sheet over your baby’s outdoor playpen to stop them from getting bitten by bugs and to keep them out of the sun.
Make a portable nappy basket so you don’t have to rush all over the house every time you need to change your baby.
Reserve your baby’s email and social media handles now. They’ll thank you for it later.
Keep a small basket of baby toys in your lounge. This will ensure a plaything or book is always within easy reach.
Stash wet wipes and extra nappies in the back of your car so you can change your baby on the go.