Why do people snore?
YOU’RE just starting to drift off to sleep and suddenly you hear a sound that can only be described as a fog horn.
Snoring is common but it can be annoying for people who have to sleep next to someone who is a constant snorer.
It can ruin your partner’s sleep and in some cases, can even be loud enough to keep you awake in bed.
Research found that two fifths of UK women in relationships would prefer to sleep alone due to a partner’s snoring.
The research, from , found snoring is keeping up 23 per cent of women, with it being the fourth most common reason for sleeplessness, behind being too hot, anxiety and needing the toilet.
If you’re struggling with a snoring partner though there are some things you need to know…
Why do people snore?
People snore for lots of different reasons.
The NHS says that it’s caused by things such as your tongue, mouth, throat or airways in your nose vibrating as you breathe.
Medics explain: “It happens because these parts of your body relax and narrow when you’re asleep. You’re more likely to snore if you are overweight.”
What causes snoring?
Snoring is basically caused by the soft tissue in your head and neck vibrating as you breathe in while sleeping.
The soft tissue it can affect includes nasal passages, the soft palate, the base of the tongue and the tonsils.
As you get your nightly rest, the airways in your neck and head relax and narrow, which increases the speed at which you breathe.
This also changes the air pressure in your airways, which in turn causes the soft tissue to vibrate, causing the snoring sound.
The vibrations that happen during snoring are thought to weaken blood vessels and muscles in the head and neck.
This further reduces the ability of the airways to keep open, meaning snoring is likely to be more frequently and even louder.
Does anything make snoring worse?
There are certain factors that can make snoring even worse as they cause the airways to narrow even further when a person is asleep.
One factor is obesity as a person with a neck circumference more than 17 inches sees pressure applied on the airways.
Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes is also known to cause the airway to narrow, which in turn increases the risk of snoring.
Meanwhile certain sedatives and anti-depressants have shown to have the same affect on the airwaves as smoking and alcohol.
Allergies can also exacerbate snoring as substances such as pollen can cause the nose to become blocked.
Who suffers from snoring the most?
Anybody can suffer from snoring ranging from young babies to the elderly.
NHS statistics show that as many as one in four people in England admit to snoring regularly.
Although it can affect children, it is a lot more common in adults, especially those between the ages of 40 and 60.
It also affects both men and women but men are twice as likely to snore compared to their partners.
How do I stop snoring?
Dr Lindsay Browning, psychologist, neuroscientist and said you could suggest your partner sleeps in a different position.
She said: “Often snoring is worse when somebody sleeps on their back. Therefore, making sure your partner is sleeping on their side can help to minimise snoring.
“If they wake you up and they are on their back, give them a gentle nudge or tap to encourage them to sleep on their side instead.”
Dr Browning also said that supporting lifestyle changes such as cutting down on alcohol and losing weight could help.
Removing potential allergens might also help your loved one stop snoring.
She said: “If your partner suffers from night time congestion it may be that they are allergic to the feathers in your pillows or the dog in your bed.
“Changing your pillows, having the dog sleep on the floor or in another room, or taking an antihistamine may help to reduce their snoring.”
Ultimately though, if the snoring is unbearable you should get your partner to see their GP, especially if their snoring is broken by pauses as this could be a sign of sleep apnoea.
Dr Browning added: “Sleep apnoea is where your throat closes up during the night so much that the airway is completely blocked and air cannot flow at all.
“After a while of not breathing, your brain will realise and send a surge of adrenaline to wake you up in order for you to breathe again, then you will likely fall straight back to sleep.
“Often, people will fall back to sleep again so quickly that they will not realise they woke up at all, but their sleep quality will have been damaged by this disruption.
“In sleep apnoea these awakenings can happen repeatedly through the night causing both you and your partner to have significantly disrupted sleep.
“Other signs of sleep apnoea are that they may wake with a choking sensation or may feel chronically tired during the daytime, despite the fact that they thought they got sufficient sleep at night.
“If you suspect your partner may have sleep apnoea then it is very important that they speak to a GP about the snoring, because there are significant health implications to untreated sleep apnoea.”