I got my lips done for free – they swelled up twice the size and left my face saggy

A YOUNG woman was left with lips twice the normal size and a saggy face after a botched lip filler job.

Jessica Burko, 28, was offered a free procedure after winning a giveaway on Instagram, but what should have been a treat took a rather unfortunate turn.

Jam Press/@jessicacaileyburko
Jessica Burko pictured without the lip filler which made her lips balloon and face swell

Jam Press Vid/@jessicacaileyburk
Jessica said a syringe had ‘hit a vein’ causing her lips to ‘swell’

Jam Press Vid/@jessicacaileyburko
The model warned followers not to take fillers from anyone just because it appears to be a ‘good deal’

“I started to freak out when I got back to my car and my lips were twice the size,” Jessica, a model and office manager, said.

Sharing the before and after pictures on , viewers were horrified as over 11.5million witnessed the results.

“It hurt like hell, which was weird because I know it shouldn’t,” the social media star from Los Angeles, US, said.

“My skin went extremely red practically immediately after which I knew wasn’t normal.”

In a separate video, she claimed a syringe had “hit a vein” causing her lips to “swell”.

Jessica later went to a different beauty parlour to have them dissolved.

She said: “After dissolving, my lips went down fast and my face was sagging, but after a full week I was back to normal.”

The young woman then went on to get fillers again, going back to her original injector.

The model warned followers not to take fillers from anyone just because it appears to be a “good deal”.

“Please do research, if you found someone you love and does an amazing job, stick with them,” she said.

“If you plan to go to anyone else, make sure you ask questions and be 100 per cent sure that they can do what you ask or know how to do the work you want.”

The video garnered over 820,000 likes and thousands of comments from shocked users.

Spizama commented: “That’s why you don’t go to anyone else than a doctor!”

“My biggest fear, I’m sorry this happened to you! Hope you’re healing well and don’t have any further complications,” Chantelle commented.

“Omg this looks so painful,” wrote Stephanie.

“Kylie Jenner,” said someone else.

Unlike botox, dermal fillers currently require no prescription in the US or UK.

This means they can legally be dispensed and carried out by anyone without any need for qualifications

However, MPs and professional bodies in the UK have called for the injections to be prescription-only in order to stop them being dished out so freely.

There should also be a full medical and mental health check carried out before the person has the procedure, they urged.

It was previously decided that fillers could not be injected without a licence, in a victory for The Sun’s Had Our Fill campaign.

However, you don’t have to be a medical professional to be granted one.

The campaign has been calling for tighter regulation of the £2.75billion industry since 2020.

Risks of lip filler

As with any procedure, getting your lips filler comes with a set of health risks.

The risks of dermal fillers depend on whether the procedure was done correctly and the type of filler used. So make sure you speak to your practitioner about the risks associated with the filler they’re using.

Serious problems are rare but can include:

  • infection
  • a lumpy appearance under the skin, which might need to be treated with surgery or medicine
  • the filler moving away from the intended treatment area, which may need to be removed using surgery
  • scarring
  • blocked blood vessels in the face, which can cause tissue death and permanent blindness

Source: NHS

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