I’m 40, should I stop taking the Pill to have a break? Dr Zoe Williams answers your questions

I RECEIVE lots of questions from readers who are worried about someone they love, whether it’s an elderly parent, a child or their partner.

And this is lovely, it shows you’re looking out for the people around you and often, it’s easier to go to the doctor or pharmacist because someone we trust has raised their concerns.

Dr Zoe Williams answers some common questions sent in by readers

But please don’t forget you’re important too — don’t put everyone else first to the detriment of your own health!

This is especially important if you are a full or part-time carer to someone else.

Make sure you have pockets of time every day to focus on you, whether that’s to exercise, have a bath and destress, or call a friend and have a laugh.

Here’s what some of you have asked me this week . . . 

Q) MY son needed his ears syringed as he couldn’t hear out of one and I was told it is no longer available on the NHS.

When did that ­happen and is there anything I can do?

He’s only 12, so still a child.

I had to pay to go private.

A) Ear syringing isn’t as widely available in GP surgeries as it once was.

Children should definitely still be offered an ear wax removal service though, if the wax is affecting their hearing and ear drops have not resolved the issue.

This is most likely to be via referral to an ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist.

Syringing — which was used for years — has been found to be unsafe, so your son should be offered electronic irrigation or microsuction.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidance states that ear wax removal should be offered: “If the ear wax is contributing to hearing loss or other symptoms, or if it needs to be removed in order to examine the eardrum or to take an impression of the ear canal.”

It also states that ear drops should be tried first.

The Royal National Institute for Deaf People is campaigning to get ear wax removal widely offered and available again and its website has a downloadable letter you can write to your MP asking for ­reinstatement of the service.

In the meantime though, speak to your GP practice again and remind them that your child’s hearing is affected by the wax issue.

While you wait for an appointment, it is worth getting advice from your ­pharmacist.

They can give guidance on how to use drops of medical-grade olive or almond oil in his ears to soften the wax build-up.

You might find that it falls out by itself when softened.

Q) I WAS wondering if you could help me with a back problem.

MRI scans show that I have two displaced discs – L4 and L5.

I have had this problem for eight months.

I recently had nerve-block injections in my back and they seemed to work for a while but now my pain is returning.

I asked if there were any exercises l should do and was told by the nurse that they did not give out exercises.

Until this started, I was very active, and still try to walk and cycle, but it is getting more difficult.

A) The lower lumbar spine is the most common area for intervertebral discs to herniate, so you are definitely not alone in what you’re experiencing.

For most people, physiotherapy, movement and time will heal it, but some people will need further procedures like you have had, including injections, and a minority of people go on to have surgery.

As always, with medicine, it all somewhat depends on the individual, and your own medical team will be better placed to advise you on a path going forward.

Generally speaking, we do know that movement and exercise and keeping the body strong are vital for a healthy spine though.

So persevere with the walking, and cycling is OK if it’s on smooth terrain and isn’t causing pain — but some doctors do advise avoiding cycling, as it may put pressure on the spine.

If you can access a physio for bespoke advice, that’s great, but if not, look at adding in some beginner Pilates.

There are online YouTube videos and there are also some resources on the NHS website too.

Pilates is particularly good, but if it isn’t your thing, then your choice of gentle activities and exercise will strengthen the muscles that support the spine and reduce pressure on the spinal column.

They will also promote flexibility in the spine and may help reduce the risk of a herniated disk from recurring.

So start gently, build up gradually and avoid anything that feels as though it is making the pain worse.

Should I stop taking the pill?

Q) I’M 40. Should I stop taking the Pill and give my body a break?

Years ago, there was a school of thought that taking a break from the Pill was a good idea.

Breaks were a way for women to see if their periods were still normal or regular, but now we know there’s no medical need to do this unless you want to for personal reasons.

Many women who are on patches, the vaginal ring or the combined pill, will already have one week off every month, though it is becoming more popular to skip the one-week break and use these methods continuously.

Either way, long-term use of hormonal contraception like the Pill is perfectly safe unless your health changes in any way, and you should already be regularly monitored for this by the nurse or GP at your practice.

If you develop high blood pressure, migraines or substantial weight gain, your GP may advise you to come off any contraceptive pill that contains oestrogen.

If there are any other significant health changes, you need to let your doctor know as this could affect which contraceptive is best for you.

Prolonged use of the Pill has no effect on future fertility and most women only come off it either when they are trying to conceive or when they reach age 50 for the combined pill, or 55 for the progestogen-only pill.

It’s worth mentioning a recent study found one in four young people who decided to take a break from hormonal contraception had unplanned pregnancies.

So consider alternative contraception if you do decide to take a break.

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