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Urgent warning as experts reveal list of foods that ‘increase your risk of dying from cancer’

SOME staple British foods are increasing people's risk of cancer, research has revealed.

Breakfast cereals and breads are among the list of 'ultra-processed foods' posing a severe risk to the nation's health.

Breakfast cereals and breads are among the foods posing a severe risk to the nation's healthCredit: Getty

Researchers, from Imperial College London, said the findings were particularly concerning because of Brit's "exceptionally high" intake of ultra-processed food.

An ultra processed food is any food or drink which is undergone specified types of food processing.

They tend to be lower in nutrients and fiber and higher in sugar, fat and salt compared to unprocessed or minimally processed foods.

Healthier unprocessed food options include: fruit, vegetables, eggs, meat and grains.


Not all factory-produced foods are classed as ultra-processed.

For instance, bacon, cheese, beer and wine are classed as processed foods, which mean they could be slightly healthier options - although little research has compared the two.

For the average Brit, the unhealthy food accounts for half their daily calories.

This comes as experts predict the number of people diagnosed with cancer will rise by a third by 2040.


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For every 10 per cent increase of ultra-processed food in a person's diet, the chances of developing cancer increased by two per cent - and the chances of death by six per cent.

The biggest rises were seen in breast and ovarian cancer - where chances of death increased by 16 and 30 per cent respectively.

Previous studies linked ultra-processed foods to an increased risk of developing obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

This new study, followed the diets of over 200,000 middle-aged adult participants for 10 years to monitor their risk of developing 34 types of cancer.


List of cancer-causing food

Several ultra-processed foods have been linked to increased risk of cancer and even death. These include:

  1. Mass produced breads
  2. Ready meals
  3. Fizzy drinks
  4. Breakfast cereals.
  5. Fruit-based drinks
  6. Milkshakes
  7. Ice cream
  8. Biscuits 
  9. Sausages 
  10. Some alcoholic drinks including whisky, gin, and rum
  11. Instant soup

Source: Imperial College London & The British Heart Foundation

The authors are calling for better food labelling, to make people more aware of the risks and food healthy food to made more affordable.

Dr Kiara Chang, first author for the study said: "Lower income households are particularly vulnerable to these cheap and unhealthy ultra-processed foods.

"Minimally processed and freshly prepared meals should be subsidised to ensure everyone has access to healthy, nutritious and affordable options."

Dr Eszter Vamos, lead senior author for the study, from Imperial College London, said: “This study adds to the growing evidence that ultra-processed foods are likely to negatively impact our health including our risk for cancer.


“Although our study cannot prove causation, other available evidence shows that reducing ultra-processed foods in our diet could provide important health benefits. "

Malcolm Clark of s said: "The jury is still out on whether ultra-processed foods themselves cause cancer. But we know that high-calorie and sugary food can lead to weight gain, and being overweight or obese increases the risk of 13 different types of cancer."

The study was published in
