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THEY may be more popular among the drinkers watching their waistlines.

But diet mixers will actually get you more boozed up than their regular full fat alternatives.

Det mixers could get you feel drunker faster compared to regular mixers
Det mixers could get you feel drunker faster compared to regular mixersCredit: Getty Images - Getty
Dr Karan Raj explains to his 5million followers why diet coke as a mixer gets you more drunk
Dr Karan Raj explains to his 5million followers why diet coke as a mixer gets you more drunk
Sugar in regular coke makes your stomach empty more slowly, the expert explained
Sugar in regular coke makes your stomach empty more slowly, the expert explained

Dr Karan Rajan, who regularly shares his health tips on , explained why you should opt for the red can over the silver if you don't want to end up on the floor before your mates.

"Sugar in regular coke makes your stomach empty more slowly into the small intestine slowing down the absorption into the blood stream," he said.

It's the same reason why drinking on an empty stomach gets you drunker faster because there is nothing to "slow down the booze", he added.

The theory was put to the test by TikToker Loryn Powell, who had the two variations of drinks with whiskey on two separate days.

Read more on diet drinks

She had four drinks of Jack Daniel's whiskey on two separate occasions - one with diet and another with regular Coke mixed with a shot.

The TikToker was shocked to find out that with the regular coke, she had a 0.061 percent BAC (Blood Alcohol Concertation), while with the Diet Coke had 0.086 percent BAC.

Previously, scientists from Northern Kentucky University, US breathalysed 20 men and women after drinking vodka mixed with lemonade or diet lemonade.

They found that the amount of alcohol was the same in both cases but readings were up to 25 per cent higher with the low-calorie mixer.

The NHS recommends that both women and men have no more than 14 units of booze a week, with a pint of beer equating for around two units depending on strength.

Previous research by the same team found that just one diet drink mixer, rather than a sugary one, could be enough to take someone over the drink-drive limit.

Their findings showed that participants reported not feeling anymore intoxicated and were just as likely to think they could get behind the wheel.

Where to get help if you have a problem with alcohol

If you think you might have a problem with booze then you may need to seek help.

This might be the case if you often feel the need to have a drink or if you get into trouble because of your drinking.

If other people have warned you about your drink and it's causing you problems then a good place to start is your GP.

There are other places you can go to get help:

  • Drinkline: Call 0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am to 8pm, weekends 11am to 4pm).
  •  - a free self help group that follows the 12 step programme
  •  - a group for friends and family members impacted by drinking
  •  - for individuals, families and communities struggling - call  0808 8010 750 - if you're over 50 and worried about booze
  •  - local support groups and message boards
  •  - call 0800 358 3456 
  •  - to help people discover if they have a problem

The researchers said that the lack of awareness could lead people to unwittingly drink-drive.

They also warned that women should be particularly aware because not only are they biologically more likely to get drunk faster, but they are also more likely to order a diet mixer.

Prof Marczinski said: "While all alcohol consumers should be aware of this phenomenon, it appears more likely that women would select alcohol beverages with a diet mixer given that they are more likely to be conscious of calories in their drinks.

"Young women may be particularly vulnerable as they frequently use diet mixers with alcohol and they also restrict food intake when drinking to control calorie consumption and, ultimately, body weight."
