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The 7 ovulation myths every woman should ignore

WE all know when our period arrives - after all, it’s hard to ignore. But do you know exactly when you ovulate? 

More mystery surrounds the middle of our cycle, when hormone changes (a rise in oestrogen, then a surge in luteinising hormone) trigger the release of a mature egg from an ovary into a fallopian tube - ready either to be fertilised if it meets a sperm, or to break down and leave the body during menstruation

How much do you really know about ovulation? It doesn't always happen on Day 14 for starters
How much do you really know about ovulation? It doesn't always happen on Day 14 for startersCredit: Getty

As we get older, ovulation becomes less frequent, and it stops after menopause

Understanding more about ovulation is important for any number of things, from trying to conceive to avoiding pregnancy

So get ready to bust some popular ovulation myths…

MYTH 1: Ovulation happens on Day 14

Most of us will have been taught that ovulation happens on the 14th day of the 28 day menstrual cycle, but this is just a guideline.

A recent study by app Natural Cycles and University College London, looking at 124,648 women found that only 13 percent of them had a 28 day cycle, and that ovulation could vary wildly.

Generally, it happens around 10 to 16 days before the start of your next period, which could be anything from 21 to 40 days after the last. 

Plus, ovulation doesn’t alternate between the left and right ovary, as was long believed. 

A study of 80 women found the pattern was fairly arbitrary.

MYTH 2: It’s impossible to tell when you’re ovulating without technology

Modern tech certainly makes it easier to know when you’re ovulating. Many women use digital ‘pee-on-a-stick’ style tests.

These detect luteinising hormone, which surges between 24 to 36 hours before ovulation. You can also monitor ovulation using apps such as Natural Cycles (£6.99, ), which ask you to input your basal (resting) body temperature every day, then use algorithms to analyse the data, as we tend to get warmer by about half a degree around ovulation. 

However, there are plenty of natural signals that ovulation is afoot. 

“The classic sign is ‘spinnbarkeit’,” says Sara Matthews, Consultant Gynaecologist (). 

“That’s stretchy, clear cervical mucus (discharge) that kicks in about five days before ovulation. 

“I had a patient the other day who called it ‘hand sanitiser’ - very topical, but I prefer ‘egg white’! 

“You may also have a small bleed around ovulation.” 

You could also feel hornier, and more confident - and even taste different. 

“It’s true, you just taste more ‘kissable’!” says Sara.

This all makes sense from an evolutionary perspective, as reproduction relies on us feeling fruity (and having more sex appeal) around ovulation. 

MYTH 3: If you’re having periods, you’re definitely ovulating

Generally speaking, this is the case, but not all the time. 

Some women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) will only ovulate occasionally, even if their periods remain relatively regular.

“Not everyone has the classic symptoms of PCOS, including hair growth, weight gain, irregular periods and acne, so some won’t know they have it,” says Sara. 

If you’re worried about symptoms or your cycle, see your GP. 

Stress, weight loss and excessive exercise can also disrupt ovulation. 

When our body is under pressure the reproductive cycle starts to shut down, conserving energy for more essential organs such as the liver.

It’s worth knowing that many forms of hormonal contraception, such as the combined pill or the Mirena coil, also stop you ovulating, even if you’re having withdrawal bleeds. 

MYTH 4: Ovulation is painless 

Luckily, for most of us this is true. 

However, some women do experience pain on the side of ovulation, thought to be caused by the egg breaking through the ovary wall and releasing fluid which irritates nearby nerves.

“Not that many women experience ovulation pain, I couldn’t put a percentage on it,” says Sara. 

“It’s usually a transient ache, either a period-type cramp or a sharp twinge.” 

If your pain is severe it could be a sign of a condition such as endometriosis or an STI such as chlamydia, so make sure you contact your GP.


YOU don’t need to change your habits during ovulation itself, but ovulation is influenced by lifestyle factors, so it’s important to eat a balanced diet and get regular exercise all month.

“An egg takes three months to mature, so look at the bigger picture,” says Sara. 

“Being underweight can impact ovulation, but being obese can produce oestrogen in your fat cells which disrupts the delicate hormone balance of ovulation, too. 

“Alcohol lowers oestrogen levels, so stick within NHS guidelines (14 or less units a week).”

It’s important to know what’s normal for you. 

“The spacing between your periods is the main thing,” says Sara. 

“If your cycle is anything outside 25 to 35 days, it’s worth getting investigated just to make sure.”

MYTH 5: To get pregnant you must time sex with ovulation day

It’s true that eggs only live for up to 24 hours after ovulation, but sperm can survive for up to six days in the body - meaning that we have a ‘fertile window’ of around a week. 

(So yes, if you have a short cycle, you can get pregnant if you have sex on your period. Another myth busted!)

The legend that you can influence the gender of a baby by timing when you have sex, is, however, actually true.

“Sex before ovulation means you’re more likely to have a girl, but if it’s on or immediately after ovulation a boy’s more likely,” says Sara. 

“Girl sperm are more resilient, so they can hang around for longer, and boy sperm are quite delicate, but faster and lighter, so they’ll fire up to the egg quicker near ovulation.” 

MYTH 6: There are no ‘external’ signs of ovulation 

Humans have always been thought to experience ‘concealed ovulation’, meaning there are no obvious changes for the world to see. 

In the animal kingdom, it’s often a different story - lady chimpanzees, for example, get a swollen pink bottom at that time. 

Nevertheless, research seems to show there are outward signs of ovulation - even if we can only pick up on them subliminally.

In a study at the University of Newcastle, people were shown two otherwise identical photos of the same women, one taken during ovulation and the other afterwards - and almost always judged the ovulation photos to be more attractive. 

A UCLA study also found that women unconsciously speak with a higher-pitched, more ‘feminine’ voice around ovulation.

Even more weirdly, another study has shown that our skin blushes around ovulation - but it’s imperceptible to the naked eye. 

So who knows what other secret, subtle tweaks our body might be making?

MYTH 7: You can’t ovulate if you’re breastfeeding

Don’t be caught out by this one. 

According to the NHS, “You can get pregnant three weeks after the birth of a baby, even if you’re breastfeeding and your periods haven’t started again.” Gulp! 

The science behind this idea, dubbed the lactational amenorrhoea method (LAM) of contraception, does make sense. 

Prolactin, the hormone which stimulates the production of breast milk, also suppresses ovulation. 

However this only works if your baby is under six months old and exclusively breastfed. 


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Plus, any factor associated with a drop in feeding frequency, from maternal stress to giving the baby a dummy, can mess with the process, so if you want to be totally safe you’ll need an alternative form of contraception (if the sleepless nights aren’t doing that for you already). 

It’s important to know what’s normal for you. 

Knowing more about your cycle and ovulation health can help you with fertility - and with not getting pregnant too
Knowing more about your cycle and ovulation health can help you with fertility - and with not getting pregnant tooCredit: Getty