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AROUND one in seven people will be affected by breast cancer in their lifetime so it's important to know the key signs.

While most people will be on the look out for a lump when it comes to breast cancer, there are changes in your skin that you need to be aware of.

Checking your breasts on a regular basis is important as early diagnosis could help save your life
Checking your breasts on a regular basis is important as early diagnosis could help save your lifeCredit: Getty

The earlier cancer is caught the better so it's important to regularly check your breasts for any abnormalities.

Checking them on a regular basis will help you to understand what's normal for your body.

Dr Sara Kayat, Superdrug’s Medical Ambassador said: “Self-examination of your breasts can be an important way of diagnosing breast cancer early.

"Breast awareness means knowing what your “normal” looks and feels like, and by regularly examining your breasts, you will be able to notice any changes to your breasts quickly.

"Early detection of breast cancer improves your chance of a full recovery.” 

Breast cancer usually has several different symptoms, with the first usually being a lump.

Before her death in September 2021 Girls Aloud star Sarah Harding urged women to check their breasts for signs of cancer, after she was diagnosed in August 2020.

Sarah said she had been experiencing pain in her breast, thinking it was a cyst. But then her skin started to bruise, which left her "terrified".

While most breast lumps aren't cancerous, it's always best to have them checked out by a doctor if you're concerned.

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the UK and often affects women over 50 although anyone can develop it – even men.

Around one in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer, although recovery chances are high if detected early.

The three worrying skin signs that you need to look out for are:

1. Skin thickening

The NHS states that one of the first signs of breast cancer is an area of thickened breast tissue.

Experts say that the skin will feel firm or rubbery, you might also experience lumps in the area that the skin has thickened.

Normal breast tissue varies in consistency for different women and can change during your menstrual cycle.

2. Dimpling

Dimpling on the skin of your breasts is also another sign of breast cancer.

If the dimpling is caused by breast cancer then it could feel warm and might swell.

The breast could also feel tender and you may also experience pain in this area.

3. A rash

The last skin symptom of breast cancer is a rash on or around your nipple.

This will usually be a rash that is red or scaly and can sometimes look similar to eczema.

The rash can also feel itchy which is why sometimes it can be mistaken for eczema, it's important that if you have any of these signs then you see your GP.

The other key symptoms of breast cancer include:

  • a change in the size or shape of one or both breasts
  • discharge from either of your nipples, which may be streaked with blood
  • a lump or swelling in either of your armpits
  • a change in the appearance of your nipple, such as becoming sunken into your breast

Breast pain is not usually a sign of breast cancer.

The experts at Superdrug have revealed their guide on how to check your chest, breasts and pecs.

They said there’s no wrong way to check yourself out - whether that’s in the shower, in front of your mirror or when you’re lying in bed. It’s all good, as long as you know what to feel for and do so regularly.

Know what's normal for you: Everyone’s breasts are different, and yours might not feel the same as someone else's, but that doesn’t always mean something is wrong, the experts said.

They recommend taking time to feel your chest and learn how it normally feels. The better you know your breasts, the easier it will be to feel if anything changes. 

Keep on top of it: The experts recommend that you should check in on your chest at least once a month, so you’ll notice any changes quickly.

And by examining more regularly, you’ll also get used to how your breasts feel so you’ll know if something has changed right away, they explained.

If in doubt check it checked out: If you notice a change that you're not sure about then see your doctor.


Learn what to look for: As discussed above, breast cancer isn't always a lump, so you should also be looking for skin signs and anything that is abnormal for you.
