My sister was told she had ‘pregnancy symptoms’ – now she and her baby are fighting for their lives
A WOMAN who thought her symptoms were just due to being pregnant found out she in fact had cancer.
Julia Volkova, 38, is now fighting to stay alive for the sake of her unborn child as her sister Alina watches “helplessly”.
Julia, a self-employed beautician, was ecstatic at the news she would be a mum for the first time when she got pregnant in August 2021.
Alina, from West London, described the family's reaction, stating: "Everyone was very happy as it's the first baby in the family, first grandchild, so a lot of excitement."
However, Julia began to experience cramping, irregular bleeding (spotting) and abdominal pain, reported.
Symptoms like this during pregnancy mean you should urgently call a midwife, as it could be due to something serious like an ectopic pregnancy.
Alina claims Julia's symptoms were attributed to early pregnancy and she was also diagnosed with fibroids.
She was given anti-sickness medication and pain relief for the non-cancerous growths that are common in women.
But weeks later, Julia began to lose weight and her energy levels dropped - key symptoms of cancer.
When she experienced severe abdominal pain in December 2021, she went to A&E where she began bleeding internally.
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Doctors observed changes to her cervix and, after an MRI and a biopsy, the family got the worst news they could have imagined.
Julia had an aggressive form of cervical cancer.
The symptoms include pain in the lower back, tummy or pelvis, pain during sex, vaginal bleeding and changes to discharge.
The NHS says for people with conditions like fibroids or endometriosis, these symptoms may already be frequent, but it’s important to get checked by a GP if things worsen.
Alina said: "It was devastating, obviously, and we were very concerned and scared for my sister's life, and for the future of her baby, because we didn't know what was going to happen."
Mum and baby fighting
At the time, Julia was four months pregnant, and so was allowed to continue with her pregnancy.
Alina said: "It's awful, you know, at any time to be diagnosed with anything like that, but to go through this when you're pregnant and being scared for your life and your baby's life. It's awful."
Julia has had to undergo three rounds of chemotherapy which, combined with pregnancy symptoms, has been both physically and emotionally gruelling.
Alina said: "Sometimes she[Julia]'s in so much pain that nothing really helps, and it just breaks my heart to see her so poorly.
“She is doing incredibly well. I mean, she's so strong.
"I think sometimes, and God forbid if I imagine myself in the situation, I don't know what I would do or how I would feel because it just raises my anxiety to extreme levels."
In March, when Julia is just 33 weeks pregnant, she will have to undergo a premature C-section to deliver the baby before having surgery to save her life.
She's only 38. It's going to put her into early menopause... It is just the price to pay for health
She will be given a hysterectomy, removing the cervix, womb and ovaries, putting her into immediate menopause.
"You just have to hope and pray that everything goes well," said Alina.
"She's only 38. It's going to put her into early menopause but you just have to think about obviously, it's her life.
“It's more important than anything else, (and obviously her baby) and it is just the price to pay for health."
The baby will then spend time in the NICU and Julia may need further chemo or radiotherapy to overcome the disease.
Julia is apparently using the opportunity to experiment with colourful wigs as the chemotherapy has caused her to lose her hair.
Alina said she loves her positivity, saying: "I just admire her courage, it's unbelievable."
To support Julia, Alina has started a to help cover the costs of her loss of earnings while she undergoes treatment.
She said: "You feel helpless. There's nothing that you can do. Of course, I can support and help as much as I can but there's nothing else that I can do.
"That's why I started this fund-raising - just to help her out a little bit, just to relieve the burden of extra worry that she has."
Alina has already received donations for Julia and said she is "eternally grateful" for the support.
She will also be hosting charity piano lessons and performances to raise extra funds and proactively help her sister.
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