I’m a doctor and these are the five Omicron symptoms you must NEVER ignore

THE Omicron variant is continuing to spread across the UK and medics have urged the NHS to change it's official symptoms.

Experts have advised that symptoms are different to those seen in other variants that have been circulating.

Dr Amir Khan revealed the symptoms that most Omicron patients are suffering with

Throughout the pandemic we have been advised to look out for a new persistent cough, a high temperature and a loss of taste and smell.

But one doctor has warned that Omicron has five distinct symptoms that you should look out for.

Dr Amir Khan said that Omicron symptoms that are coming out of South Africa, by the doctors that are looking after patients with Omicron, show these five new symptoms.

Speaking ITV's Lorraine he explained: "A scratchy throat, mild muscle aches, extreme tiredness, a dry cough and night sweats.


"So those kind of drenching night sweats where you might have to get up and change your clothes.

"This is important and it's important that we keep on top of these symptoms. If we are going to track Omicron and track it worldwide, we need to be able to test people with these symptoms.

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"If they go onto the NHS website and say they have night sweats and muscle aches, they may not be able to book a PCR test.

"So we need the NHS website to keep up with these symptoms. So people can book a PCR test and we can keep track of numbers and symptoms."


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Data coming out of South Africa also shows that lower back pain is another symptom.

It's important that if you think you have Covid then you get a test and isolate in order to stop the spread of the virus.

These new symptoms could mean that many people are missing infections as a scratchy throat could be part of a cold, and many people could mistake back pain for common aches and niggles.
