What is my NHS number and how do I find it?

THERE’S a different password or code for everything these days and your health is no different.

Your NHS number is useful to have as it can make things like booking appointments and registering Covid tests much easier and faster.

Having access to your NHS number can make it easier for you to access all of your medical information

It’s easy to get your NHS number – a ten-digit number.

It is spaced out as three numbers, followed by another three and then followed by four – so it should look something like 485 777 3456.

The easiest way to find it is to access it online, but if you can’t do that then it will also be on any letter you receive from the NHS.

This could be an appointment letter or a prescription.

You can also call your GP surgery and ask them for your NHS number.

NHS numbers can come in handy as they allow doctors and nurses to link you to your medical records quickly and efficiently.

For example, if you need to call 111 for help then they will be able to find your details faster if you know your NHS number.

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How to get your NHS number online

First, you will need to visit the .

Then you need to click the green ‘start’ button which will take you to the next page where you need to enter your first and second name.

It’s important that you use your full name and the one that you are registered with your GP as, rather than a nickname or a shortened version of your name.

Once you have entered your name, click continue and you will be asked to enter your date of birth.

Next, you will be asked to enter your postcode, before being asked to double-check your answers.

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Your NHS number is a code which is vital to know

You will then be given the option to go back and amend them, but if everything looks good, you can click continue.

You can then choose how you would like to receive your NHS number. This can be through a text message, email, or letter.

If you clicked text message or email then it should arrive immediately and will be in your inbox under ‘NHS – Find your NHS number’.

If you selected to receive your NHS number by post then it should come through your door in five days.

If it doesn’t come then you should contact your GP surgery.

But if none of the information that was displayed at the start, such as your email and address are correct then you won’t be able to get your NHS number.

Instead, you will be able to find it in your NHS App. If you haven’t used it before then you will have to register and follow the steps.

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