The 6 times feeling dizzy could be a sign of something more sinister

A RUSH of dizziness is often brushed under the carpet.

But did you know there could be serious root causes of feeling off balance?

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Dizziness has a number of causes

The NHS says dizziness is not usually a cause for concern.

Everyone experiences it from time to time as a natural side effect of things like hunger, getting up too quickly or a hangover.

It may also be an obvious result of a migraine, dehydration or even coronavirus.

“Dizziness is common and it will normally pass on its own,” said Dr Dan Bunstone, a GP and Chief Medical Officer at – which pairs patients with NHS GPs for video consulations.

“While isolated instances are usually nothing to worry about, if your dizziness is severe, causes you to fall, or if these types of episodes are regular, you should see a GP, as recurring dizzy spells can be a symptom of something else.

“There are certain symptoms to watch out for with dizziness. If you experience double or blurred vision, or feel numbness in your face, arms or legs, see a medical professional urgently, as this could be a sign of something more serious.”

So what are the signs you should take it seriously?

The NHS says see your GP “if you’re worried”, or if:

  1. the dizziness will not go away or it keeps coming back
  2. you’re finding it harder to hear
  3. there’s ringing or other sounds in your ears (tinnitus)
  4. you have double vision, blurred vision or other changes in your eyesight
  5. your face, arms or legs feel numb
  6. you have other symptoms like fainting, headaches, feeling or being sick

Dizziness for no obvious reason could be:

Drop in blood pressure

A common cause of dizziness is a sudden drop in blood pressure, called postural hypotension.

If your dizziness tends to happen when you stand or sit up suddenly, it is likely to be this.

It occurs because of a delayed response to a shift in blood when you move.

Older people are more likely to surfer with postural hypotension, affecting around one in five over 60-year-olds.

It is a feature of many medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, vitamin B12 deficiency, kidney failure, autoimmune disease and cancer, this describes.

Medications, including antidepressants and beta blockers, and alcohol can also be the cause.

“Classic” postural hypotension occurs within three minutes of standing, while “delayed” postural hypotension occurs after three minutes.

Dr Miriam Stoppard wrote in the : “It’s worth taking note because it can raise the risk of falls, heart disease, depression, dementia and death.”

Dr Stoppard said the best way to overcome postural hypotension is to avoid its triggers.

“Take some precautionary measures such as changing position slowly and in stages (from lying to sitting to standing), rather than going from lying to standing in a swift movement – I count to 10 sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Avoid alcohol, large meals, very warm environments and hot showers or baths, and sleep with the head of the bed raised. 

“Do some exercise every day to normalise your blood pressure and when you stand, tense the muscles in your legs and buttocks. You could also try compression stockings.”


Anaemia is a condition where there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body.

Without this vital oxygen, it can cause a patient to feel dizzy, tired and weak.

The condition can be both long and short term, depending on its cause.

The most common root cause is a shortage of iron, followed by vitamin deficiencies of B12 and folate, all of which can be fixed with supplements.

It’s often seen in people who are unable to absorb vitamins or vegans, who do not eat meat or dairy.

When to call 999

Get medical attention immediately if you’re dizzy and you faint, fall, or can’t walk or have any of the following:

  • Chest pain
  • Different or really bad headache
  • Head injury
  • High fever
  • Irregular heart rate
  • Seizures
  • Shortness of breath
  • Stiff neck
  • Sudden change in speech, vision, or hearing
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness or numbness in your face
  • Weakness in your leg or arm


Clogged arteries

The NHS says dizziness, alongside hearing loss, double vision, blurred vision, and a numb face, arms or legs, could be a sign of clogged arteries.

Called atherosclerosis, it’s when the arteries become hardened and narrow because of a blockage of fatty substances.

It is very serious, as blood is less able to travel around the body. It could lead to a heart attack or stroke if not treated.

You’re more at risk if you are older, are overweight, smoke, eat unhealthily, don’t exercise, drink a lot of alcohol and are of south Asian, African or African-Caribbean descent.

Speak to your GP if you think you are at risk of atherosclerosis, and they can advise you on lifestyle improvements, like exercising. 

If you are found to have it, it can’t be reversed. But living healthier may prevent it from getting worse.

Brain tumour 

Very rarely, dizziness may be the sign of a brain tumour, the Brain Tumour Charity says.

Brain tumours can grow in areas of the brain that help to control balance, therefore making you feel off-balance and also sick.

Other areas affected are involved in vision and movement of the eyes (giving you double vision) and hormones, making them imbalanced.

If you have any of these symptoms, see your GP or get an eye test.

Medication side effect

Medications can come with all sorts of side effects, dizziness being one of them.

If you have noticed dizziness since starting a new prescription, or a higher dosage, it could be the drugs to blame.

Anti-seizure drugs, antidepressants, sedatives and tranquilizers are commonly to blame. 

In particular, blood pressure lowering medications may cause faintness if they lower your blood pressure too much, the Mayo Clinic warns.

Dr Dan Bunstone said: “If you start to experience dizzy episodes after taking new medication, a doctor will be able to help determine if the medication is the cause of the problem and suggest an alternative.”

Inner ear problem

If you’re feeling off balance alongside losing some hearing, it could be a sign of a problem deep in the ear.

Labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis are both examples of inflammation in the ear, with only the former affecting your hearing.

Both illnesses can make the room feel like it’s spinning, also causing nausea and vomiting.

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The symptoms tend to start suddenly and it can take a few weeks for you to feel normal when upright again.

Sometimes, balance problems can last for much longer – for many months or even years, the NHS says.

Patients may need rehabilitation, and the NHS admits waiting lists could be long.

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