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What is the difference between a solstice and an equinox?

YOU may have heard of the equinox and the solstice but not actually know what they mean.

They both mark the change through different seasons, but how are they different?

 Equinox and Solstice both occur twice a year
Equinox and Solstice both occur twice a year

What's the difference between an equinox and a solstice?

Despite both being related to the same thing, an equinox and a solstice are actually the complete opposite to one another.

A solstice occurs on the longest and shortest days of the year relating to sunlight whereas, an equinox is when daylight and night-time are around the same length.

The solstice indicated winter and summer and it is the time when the sun reaches the highest or lowest point in the sky.

Summer solstice happens on the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, which is usually around June 21.

The UK enjoys approximately 16 hours and 38 minutes of daylight on the summer solstice each year.

Whereas, winter solstice is when the sun is at its lowest point.

Similarly the equinox happens twice per year in spring and autumn.

Spring equinox happens around March 20 which marks the start of spring as autumn equinox occurs around September 22 when nights become longer than the daytime.

Spring equinox is when the Northern Hemisphere slightly tilts away from the Sun, meaning days become shorter and the temperature begins to cool down.

This continues until the winter solstice when the Northern Hemisphere begins to tip back towards the sun on its axis.


Does daylight affect your mood?

The short answer is, yes daylight can affect your mood. and shorter days and less daylight can have a negative impact on your health, which can result in seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

SAD is a condition where those who experience normal mental health during the rest of the year can suffer depression during winter months.

The amount of light exposure you get can impact your levels of melatonin, which in turn regulates sleep, and serotonin.

Serotonin is a hormone that could impact mood, appetite and sleep.

Getting the right amount of sunlight can increase your mood - as well as help with Vitamin D levels, cancer prevention and building strong bones.

If you think you may be suffering from SAD you should consult a doctor.

Treatment can vary from person to person but can include antidepressants and cognitive behavioural therapy.
