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Weekly horoscope for August 13 – 19: What the stars have in store for every zodiac sign revealed.


MAR 21 - APR 20

DESTINY DAYS   Allocate special “treat-time” on Tuesday.
DESTINY DAYS   Allocate special “treat-time” on Tuesday.
Mystic Mag is replacing Mystic Meg. Real name Margarat Innes. FEATURES
Mystic Mag is replacing Mystic Meg. Real name Margarat Innes. FEATURESCredit: Olivia West

There’s so much depth to your chart this week – you not only face up to secret desires, and perhaps doubts, but the steady hand of Saturn helps you address them.  So you can end the week far stronger than you started.  This time, when you state your personal case, you will be heard.  A new moon with strong links to children can adjust one key outlook, too. 

DESTINY DAYS   Allocate special “treat-time” on Tuesday.   Get back in touch with “L” on Wednesday.  Friday, look again for a missing number.
MAKE THIS THE WEEK YOU… Finally get old pics, letters or documents, 
organised.  Talk about what’s in your heart, rather than keeping it hidden.  
Enjoy today, rather than wishing for tomorrow.


Music, art or fashion is a work area you may not have considered as right for you - but this week’s moon suggests this could transform your future.  From finding perfect songs for special celebrations, to designing environmentally-friendly outfits or objects, there are lots of ways you can turn Aries creativity into cash. You could also think about being the business brain backing up others’ creative endeavours. This takes you towards a new world you will adore - and potential new passion, too. 



APR 21 - MAY 21

DESTINY DAYS   You have great people instincts on Monday.
DESTINY DAYS   You have great people instincts on Monday.

Your own sign is anything but predictable, as rebel planets are in residence.  From naughty love thoughts to smart work shortcut - as ideas flow, be sure to give all of them equal weight, and time, all week.   Venus looks back and forward at the same time, and an old flame can be a surprise part of a future ceremony.  Starting again in a creative dream can be the fastest success tactic.

DESTINY DAYS   You have great people instincts on Monday.  On Thursday, double-check all saved messages. Family birthdays have prize potential on Sunday.
MAKE THIS THE WEEK YOU… Be assertive, but never aggressive.  Walk 
faster, talk slower.  Follow up on a recent “D”  offer to meet. 


Any activity linked to your own home, or homes in general, can wake up your creative self to new possibilities.  You  
could channel your natural energy and caring nature towards helping people 
declutter and redesign their spaces - you also have a flair for  choosing and combining colours that is unique.   You can be a style influencer or someone others seek out for advice on decor and design.  Your own home can be your best showcase, in words and pictures – winning you an enthusiastic online audience.

Horoscope traits

What does your star sign mean for you?

Aries - The best and worst characteristics of the head of the zodiac
Aquarius - The traits you need to know for the air sign
Capricorn - What does this star sign mean for your personality?
Cancer - The key traits for the sign include a keen love of food
Gemini - The traits to be aware of for the sign with a symbol of twins
Leo - The best and worst characteristics of the fire sign
Libra - What does the seventh star sign mean for your personality?
- The key traits for the sign include an interest in the arts
Sagittarius - The traits you need to know for the fire sign
Scorpio - What does this star sign mean for your personality?
Taurus - The best and worst characteristics of the earth sign
Virgo - The key traits for the sign include loyalty and kindness


MAY 22 - JUNE 21

DESTINY DAYS  Tackle a tough task again on Tuesday. Keep all promises on Thursday.
DESTINY DAYS  Tackle a tough task again on Tuesday. Keep all promises on Thursday.

Allowing yourself to add more emotion to long-time ambitions, can give work plans an extra boost to get over the line.   Neptune and Saturn make sure your passion really shows, and this helps any team to grow.  A new moon of new communication routes, shows you can be a natural at reaching out, in your own unique way.  So don’t change what you do, or say.   Love wears pale green.

DESTINY DAYS  Tackle a tough task again on Tuesday. Keep all promises on Thursday.  Be a kind friend on Saturday.
MAKE THIS THE WEEK YOU… Ask clearly for help, rather than expecting people to offer.  Celebrate how far you have come -- look forward not back.  Go back in time with much-loved movies or music.


You can be a natural listener - so why not take this skill further, helped by the moon’s insight.  Yes, speaking up for weaker or just quieter people, can be in your future.  But you could also explore becoming a counsellor, or turning special messages into words for special people.  You can also shine as a 
confidence coach, a career mentor, customer advisor or simply the friend 
everyone knows has their back, no matter what.


JUNE 22 - JULY 22

DESTINY DAYS  Beware of missing love signals on Monday – in an unlikely setting.
DESTINY DAYS  Beware of missing love signals on Monday – in an unlikely setting.

You start the week in control of your feelings, thanks to the moon, and this helps you set the pace for passion, and other important projects.  You can stay cool while the heat is on, and make decisions others may at first dislike – but grow to love. Single? Spot your soulmate counting, or collecting, cash.  A chart of principles helps you stay true to what, and who, you believe in. 

DESTINY DAYS  Beware of missing love signals on Monday – in an unlikely setting.  Wear your all-time favourite clothes on Wednesday. Meet all deadlines at the weekend.
MAKE THIS THE WEEK YOU…. Laugh with others, but never at them.  Listen 
again to music from a special celebration.  Learn a new skill, that fasciinated you as a child.


Instead of playing down your financial abilities, take them seriously.  The right set of learning goals, plus a decision to 
keep those negative inner voices quiet, can be enough to turn cash confidence 
right up to max.  The moon gives you strong investment instincts, but do also do your research, and listen to the right advice. Above all, this week, you know what’s right to do, to say - and to 
stand up for. 


JULY 23 - AUG 23

DESTINY DAYS  Roll with a last-minute set of changes on Tuesday.  Breeze through overdue admin on Friday.
DESTINY DAYS  Roll with a last-minute set of changes on Tuesday.  Breeze through overdue admin on Friday.

Your own sign hosts the sun, backtracking Venus, and now a new moon of a whole new you.  So whatever you set your mind, and heart, to this week – you’ll be unstoppable.  You can take that vague dream of looking, or sounding, so different into the realm of reality, and be the quietly confident voice in a group that’s grown too loud lately.  Luck is strong around 10 o’clock.

DESTINY DAYS  Roll with a last-minute set of changes on Tuesday.  Breeze through overdue admin on Friday.  Wake up on Saturday, ready for love surprises.  
MAKE THIS THE WEEK YOU…. Stop guesswork and take full charge of cash.  Follow your heart towards “S” love. Admit if you’ve made a friendship mistake. 


Writing, talking or just thinking extra deeply about your own life marks your  moon career turning point this week. Yes, you can channel your experiences into a blog or book — and find many people respond to your truths.  Putting yourself forward more, instead of waiting to be asked,  makes things happen for you.  Along with getting your name 
out there — via networking, but also just being the kind of friendly, efficient person others want more of in their lives.


AUG 24 - SEPT 22

DESTINY DAYS   Be more ambitious on Tuesday - but more realistic on Wednesday.
DESTINY DAYS   Be more ambitious on Tuesday - but more realistic on Wednesday.

Planet focus pinpoints your  zone of deepest secrets and dreams – and being honest about what you really feel, by the midweek new moon, sets the stage for exciting developments.  Instead of feeling you have to be perfect, as partner, parent or colleague, you settle for doing your best, and free up time and energy for two key personal goals.   Lucky numbers sit together in the middle of a list.

DESTINY DAYS   Be more ambitious on Tuesday - but more realistic on Wednesday.  Take any opportunity to try out a new family role at the weekend.   
MAKE THIS THE WEEK YOU… Allow yourself to dream, and write down every 
vision.  Take time out from people who take but never give.    Research an “F” opportunity.


The new moon occurs in your twelfth house -  Zodiac zone of vocations.   So yes, you should look inside your heart and listen — as you are ready to follow your deepest dreams towards a future that really means something to you.  Connections to hospitals and prisons can often be indicated here, along with a strong spiritual aspect.  You are what you believe - and work, even 
unpaid, that feeds into your sense of self, can help you feel complete.


SEPT 23 - OCT 23

DESTINY DAYS  Turn back time on Monday- set free your inner child.  Choose odd numbers for a prize entry on Friday.
DESTINY DAYS  Turn back time on Monday- set free your inner child.  Choose odd numbers for a prize entry on Friday.

Welcome to a week where you can shake up your social life, in person and online – cutting down time you spend with people you know deep down are not right for you.  A smaller group, chosen with care, can be such a support going forward – and include a surprise “C” soulmate.   A hands-on skill you try for the first time, from pottery to baking, can be a career kick-starter. 

DESTINY DAYS  Turn back time on Monday- set free your inner child.  
Choose odd numbers for a prize entry on Friday.  Pass a potential new “H” address, on Saturday.
MAKE THIS THE WEEK YOU… Really believe in yourself -- and your talents. 
Distance yourself from decisions that have started to feel toxic. Make tiny but healthy food tweaks.


You’re a natural leader of, and inspiration to, all kinds of  groups thanks to the new moon — so do think about setting up your own trips or residential courses around activities you enjoy or places you adore.  You radiate uniquely infectious enthusiasm and can set up super-successful events, because you really 
care that everyone has a good time.  You also have great instincts for keeping minds and bodies engaged, and working well together.


OCT 24 - NOV 22

DESTINY DAYS   Get playful on Wednesday. Take your turn on Thursday, even at a task you hate.
DESTINY DAYS   Get playful on Wednesday. Take your turn on Thursday, even at a task you hate.

The moon this week makes you even more magnetic, inspiring and up for adventures in every area of life.  Just be sure that anyone who comes along with you is fully aware of what’s in store.  Love-wise, if you keep asking, and answers never come, take some time to reconsider your questions.  Single? A local celebrity can fit your bill.  Jupiter selects the most cheerful colleagues for a lucky team.  

DESTINY DAYS   Get playful on Wednesday. Take your turn on Thursday, even at a task you hate.  Spot rare finds or brilliant bargains on Saturday.
MAKE THIS THE WEEK YOU… Work on buying and selling skills.  Repeat a 
daily confidence mantra to yourself.  Put some distance between you and “T”. 


If you’re not currently in a public-facing career,  do give this some thought - as the new moon illuminates the kind of calm, reassuring presence that’s priceless.  You can be the public face for big national businesses, or small local companies, and bring each area your unique spin. The moon also makes you a natural giver of advice or reassurance.  People instinctively trust you and this is a personal skill that’s in high demand in the current world. 


NOV 23 - DEC 21

DESTINY DAYS  Keep talking going on Tuesday and Wednesday, even when it gets tough.
DESTINY DAYS  Keep talking going on Tuesday and Wednesday, even when it gets tough.

There’s a fast-moving travel element in your chart - tap into this by starting a routine journey from a new point,  or spinning a return out for longer.  Soon as you feel in control, so much about the future, and your part in it, starts taking shape.  If you’re in love, Neptune and Saturn both vote for security – but compromise may be needed.  Single? A learner driver passes your test. 

DESTINY DAYS  Keep talking going on Tuesday and Wednesday, even when it gets tough.  Tune in to an unusual accent on Thursday.
MAKE THIS THE WEEK YOU… Make the promises someone younger has been hoping for.   Experiment with brighter colours. Check in with a colleague who’s gone suddenly quiet.

You’re the most memorable kind of teacher, says the new moon  - calm, fair but firm.  Able to explain complex
situations in simple terms.   If you don’t believe this, just try it and see.  From mechanics to styling skills, recipes to record-keeping - in so many areas you can help people gain knowledge. You’re ready to travel further afield too,  Sagittarius, and write un-put-downable words to share your own sense of innocent wonder with the rest of the 


DEC 22 - JAN 20

DESTINY DAYS  On Monday, revisit a passion question.  Be patient on Thursday, maybe offer extra time.
DESTINY DAYS  On Monday, revisit a passion question.  Be patient on Thursday, maybe offer extra time.

This is a week to take the sweep-clean energy of the new moon and set it to work – helping you become the version of yourself that’s been in your mind for ages.  This may involve taking a tougher line at work, or a more honest love approach, but results will be fast, and lasting.  Mercury wants to learn, and Mars wants to party – you can combine both in one surprise event. 

DESTINY DAYS  On Monday, revisit a passion question.  Be patient on Thursday, maybe offer extra time.  Answer all calls at the weekend. MAKE THIS THE WEEK YOU… Say what you really think, not what you assume people want to hear.  Celebrate your weak spots as well as your strengths.  Set small fitness goals, every day. 


According to the new moon’s new energy, you are the perfect person to help people through major milestones. You have a unique take on human psychology, and a gift for reassuring and redirecting individuals experiencing any kind of crisis.  You can also find a vocation in rescuing and rehoming animals, or spreading education or information connected to conservation and nature. You are ready to really make a difference to the world, starting this week.


JAN 21 - FEB 18

DESTINY DAYS  Rate kindness highest on Monday, even at work.
DESTINY DAYS  Rate kindness highest on Monday, even at work.

What togetherness looks like is up for grabs in your chart this week.  A whole new timetable for love, and one or more new addresses for a family, can be part of this process.  If you’re a love-seeker, someone you may have instantly discounted – perhaps as unavailable – can shoot right up your list.  A building painted an unusual colour, in a one-way street, can be your luckiest location.

DESTINY DAYS  Rate kindness highest on Monday, even at work.   Review a travel dream on Friday.  Sing loud, in a crowd, on Saturday.
MAKE THIS THE WEEK YOU… Tell yourself every day how special you are - 
and believe it.  Repeat facts.but keep gossip to yourself.  Surround yourself with positive people.


The new moon’s position in your chart highlights mediation and facilitation roles as a great fit for you.  You are a natural at seeing both sides of a story - and finding a strong, even if unexpected,  solution that works for everyone.  The moon also reawakens any ambition to write mystery scripts, or novels.  Perhaps
using stories based (loosely) on your own experience.  You can also bring 
people together in births, marriages, and other big life events, with your specially-written, sensitive words. 


FEB 19 - MAR 20

DESTINY DAYS  Let your natural attraction work its magic on “L” on Wednesday.
DESTINY DAYS  Let your natural attraction work its magic on “L” on Wednesday.

An ambitious career move way out of your comfort zone is in your sights this week – but only you can claim it.  Don’t leave this to someone else.  In love, too, you’re ready to put in the effort, but make clear from the start this must be a shared enterprise.  If you’re single, “F” names and fit bodies make a fate-mate mix.  Luck prints or paints a series of triangles.

DESTINY DAYS  Let your natural attraction work its magic on “L” on Wednesday.  Try a new route to work, or home, on Thursday. Sign up for a mindful challenge on Saturday.
MAKE THIS THE WEEK YOU…. Create space in your schedule just to breathe.  Answer love questions honestly, and quickly.  Spend more time outside.  



If you’re unfulfilled at work and considering changing - the fitness world can be a great pathway.   You have natural people skills,  plus a sense of humour and deep understanding of what 
challenges others face.  Invaluable for a coach or trainer.  Original recipes -- food or beauty — can be a smart sideline for Pisces, too. All week, sharing your passion for success and your One Big Idea with like-minded colleagues can set you on a new road to adventure.  
