What does December’s full Cold Moon mean for YOUR star sign?
THIS year's final full Cold Moon in Gemini makes you choose your own adventure.
We encounter the next Full Moon on December 19 known as the Cold Moon (so it does what it says on the tin).
This Full Moon occurs in the Sun sign of Sagittarius and therefore sits with the opposing Moon sign of Gemini, which brings themes of communication and your sense of adventure into play.
You are perhaps feeling the stirrings of wanderlust, of wanting to get OUT OUT and see more of the world.
Given where we’re at with the pandemic this might lead to a deep sense of frustration.
And the Full Moon is NOT about taking immediate action, it’s about a) making future plans, and contemplating or researching your ideas and b) using your imagination to go from where you’re at, with what you have, doing the best you can.
Whatever the restrictions or realities of life right now, you can choose your own adventure, even if it’s in your own home!
Let the tarot give you some ideas to chew on…
Most read in Horoscopes
ARIES- Six of Swords
Sometimes the greatest adventures start by leaving something difficult, troubling, tiring or even toxic behind- the sensation of relief and release is so liberating and powerful that you feel like you’re on Cloud 9!
Aries, the Six of Swords shows this is a gift you can give yourself this Full Moon. Identify what you’d love to leave behind in 2021… and do it.
TAURUS- Eight of Cups
Replace an old dream, which isn’t going to work out (and you know it, deep down) with a better one.
Taurus, you hate letting go of anything, but it’s time to acknowledge an ambition of yours is past its sell-by date.
Things have changed since you first dreamt it up.
Realities are different now. So, the Eight of Cups is here to guide you towards a new fit-for-purpose and feasible ambition. Get your thinking cap on.
GEMINI- Ten of Wands
You dream of having more leisure and rest time. You feel frazzled and over-worked, tired and put upon.
So, choose your own adventure in play and rest.
The Ten of Wands is a card about putting down your burdens and baggage, streamlining your schedule, releasing the load.
Gem, do it. This Full Moon, make a list of what you can ditch, delegate and delay, so you can have more time for the adventure and fun you crave.
CANCER- Seven of Coins
Some things in your life aren’t ticking the way they used to, and although they’ve been important and rewarding for a long time, you’re not sure they will remain so in the future.
That’s okay. Everything has a ~life cycle~.
The Seven of Coins asks you to project yourself ahead this Full Moon, like 5 years, and imagine what your ~best self~ could be doing, living like, enjoying, working on etc.
What looks good? Cancer, it’s time to turn the page and start writing a new story.
LEO- Ace of Coins
This Full Moon you’re all about planning and preparation, research and detail.
The Ace of Coins sees you banking on a long-term goal (could be around work, money, home, or health) and figuring out how, over the coming year ahead, you’re going to get closer to it (if not on top of it)!
You’re not your usual impatient self in this matter, you understand it will take time and dedication, and that’s okay.
Get your head into the nuts and bolts of this inspiring and rewarding project, it could change your life.
VIRGO- Page of Cups
You want to go on a creative, imaginative, inspiring adventure.
Perhaps taking a class, or a workshop, learning a new skill online, starting to write poetry or stories, painting, crafting, DIY’ing, upscaling, dressmaking, cooking… look to find, with the creative and wholesome Page of Cups, a new hobby, pastime or skill that you can really get your teeth into and feel ~in flow~ with.
It will bring you the solace, reward, and peace of mind you need right now. Hobbies are in!
LIBRA- Knight of Cups
Ruled by Venus (the goddess of love herself), your love life is never far from being top of mind for you, Libra.
The Knight of Cups sees you wanting more adventures in love and romance in your life, you’re aching to feel desired and in the throes of a passionate romance.
If you’re attached, bring the fire! Be the change you wish to see, and let your partner pick it up.
If you’re single, indulge in ~dating yourself~ (flowers, date nights, treats, pampering) and watching / reading your fave romances in order to attract someone who’s as sexy and romantic as you are.
SCORPIO- Five of Wands
You are in the midst of ~going through something~ yourself right now, in the thick of a conflicting time of change and rebirth, and it’s all been pretty confusing and challenging.
So, with that change-inducing Five of Wands, this Full Moon is a time to take a pause, get some rest, reboot, and recalibrate, so you’re ready to emerge and keep going.
Don’t give up, press on and persist, this will all be worth it.
Nothing good comes easy. Six more weeks and you’re home and dry, in a better position than ever.
SAGITTARIUS- Nine of Coins
You are dreaming of a new home, a new location, or an ambitious upgrade of your existing home.
It will take time, investment, money and graft- but you’re up for it because this is about creating a dream lifestyle, it’s an adventure in itself and, when it’s done, you know home will feel like being on holiday!
The Nine of Coins shows you’re on the right path, so keep going.
Make long-term plans here, and work towards steadily.
CAPRICORN- Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands is the tarot’s adventurer, so you are getting a ~pass~ from the Universe to go anywhere you like, do what you want, and live how you please.
Don’t keep doing the same old, same old, out of habit or obligation.
YOLO. Life is short. Look at your world and reinvent it, to make it exciting and pleasing to you.
Travel is well starred with this card, as is fun and socialising.
Make 2022 the year you live well, on your terms.
AQUARIUS- Nine of Wands
Aquarius, your adventure this Full Moon is to identify and name the thing you believe is holding you back or limiting your potential the most right now.
Name it, face it, and overcome it, one way or another.
The Nine of Wands is gifting you the power and creativity to overcome anything in the coming two weeks.
Get busy facing down a demon.
Invest in tackling your biggest obstacle.
It will all be way easier than you think and will inspire you to aim higher.
You are ready to undergo a transformation or makeover of some kind, whether it’s a new look, a health kick, a home spruce, a spiritual awakening, a course leading to retraining or a new career.
Think big. Be bold.
What would you change in your life if you knew you couldn’t fail? Got it?
Right, THAT'S exactly what your next adventure is going to be about manifesting. You can do it, you’re ready for this.