Weekly horoscope for March 28 – April 3: What the stars have in store for every zodiac sign revealed
MAR 21 – Apr 20
A full moon can rocket romance from casual to committed.
Even if you only meet this week, a golden future can form and it’s one where passion is calm and kind, as well as exciting.
Your sign brims with confidence and Mercury’s strategic skills make you a gifted weekend planner, whatever restrictions you face.
APR 21 – MAY 21
This may be a shorter working week, but it’s packed with potential, so do make the most of every meeting, even casual chats.
Share your skills and take pride in your success instead of putting yourself down.
Someone so supportive is on the horizon.
A passion surprise links gold, sweet gifts and a bouquet of yellow flowers. The number five is lucky.
MAY 22 – JUNE 21
Your imaginative ideas about a location or a look, are well worth pursuing, so do take these seriously.
And stick to any date that’s been decided – don’t be tempted to delay it.
The full moon leaves love deeper and more delicious – and you’re ready to risk your heart for “M”.
If you’ve been doubting a friendship, it can prove itself so strong at the weekend.
JUNE 22 – JULY 22
Close to home, you’re ready to admit you want things to be different, because now you’re equipped for change.
Your chart encourages you to trust your instincts, while aiming higher and refusing to hold back.
Your love life glows with security you create for yourself – don’t wait for someone else to do it. Single? A property- show fan can be your match.
JULY 23 – AUG 23
Try not to take too much at face value this week, as the full moon can cross wires and muddle meanings.
In your heart you know your personal truth and you can stick to it.
Passion brims with adventure and fast-paced change – but you should ask for more time if you need it.
Some surprise words about a weekend celebration can be a love-starter.
AUG 24 – SEPT 22
You’re the sign of sensuality, with sun and Venus warmth, plus an ability to connect on an emotional level.
In love, you know when to push for more and when to step back, and a partner is blown away.
A task that’s rewarding in more than cash terms can be part of your life for the next few weeks.
Your money zone may lack control so avoid random splurges.
SEPT 23 – OCT 23
Your personal full moon intensifies your naughty side, and in love terms this can bring some surprise attention.
Just don’t cross a line you’ve drawn for yourself.
Your name appears in a celebrity list – seasonal food can be a part of this.
As Mercury heads for your compromise chart, a way through a family or friendship maze can be closer than you think.
OCT 24 – NOV 22
Jupiter’s generosity gathers surprise home prospects in your chart – and yes, they’re worth your time, even if they seem like non-starters.
You have spot-on instincts, and now you also have the confidence to set them to work.
A keen collector can be a star love interest and if you’re attached, a hand-picked (or made) gift says all you need to know.
NOV 23 – DEC 21
You may think you’re enigmatic, but friends might find you baffling.
Take the time to talk about what’s in your heart and where you can – and should – take it.
In love, too, value image less than interaction.
Remember that glances and other messages can go astray.
Mercury sharpens creative skills and adds a layer of smart business sense to projects.
DEC 22 – JAN 20
Yes, you’re ambitious, but maybe not in the direction you think.
As the full moon lights up your change-making chart, it can bring a sudden switch in goals.
This can include a new direction for love, and you’ll relish every minute of this mystery tour.
Single Capricorns have Venus security on tap, but this week you need thrills – a sexy Leo can provide them.
JAN 21 – FEB 18
You have the zodiac’s strongest adventure chart, taking you towards new territory.
Trust in your ability to cope and you can beat any barrier.
A completely new tactic in a regular task or test can bring a very different result.
In terms of contacts, you have much to say, so consider carefully how you do it.
Writing may work better for you than talking.
FEB 19 – MAR 20
A pattern of spinning spheres has a prize connection for Pisces.
You also find extra cash in unexpected places, so do check those unused bags and pockets.
Fancy dress or a funny emoji can be a powerful passion clue.
When partners play a fun guessing or searching game together, love grows sweet again.
Mars fire heats up family choices.
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