Mystic Meg reveals what the stars have in store for you and your family in 2021

MYSTIC Meg has revealed what you can expect in 2021 thanks to her family and heath stars.

From new homes to travel, here’s what you and your loved-ones have in store this year.

Mystic Meg has revealed what the stars have in store for 2021


Mar 21 – Apr 20

FAMILY FOCUS: Thoughtful Neptune softens your edges in 2021, and you can relax into a family setting instead of feeling you need to stand out.

Forgiveness and fresh starts are on the cards, especially between late June and early December. By April, Mars revs up your bargaining power and you can grab a property deal.

Thoughtful Neptune will soften Aries’ edges in 2021

Mid-June to mid-July, when the sun’s in your home zone, is a positive planning time. This year, green doors, round windows and an address with a water element are all part of home development.

FEELING GOOD: Headaches from stress or tension, plus simply overloading your brain with thoughts and plans, are Aries’ weak spots.

Make 2021 your year to build down-time into your day, along with rehydration reminders.

A mindfulness or meditation app is the best companion, and keeping a sleep diary highlights where you can make changes – May to October is a great time to try this.

A strong health moon on September 7 marks the start of a new you.

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Mars revs up your bargaining power and you can grab a property deal

BOOST YOUR WELLBEING: Starting a recipe swap with friends or family can expand your cooking horizons, and a competition could be on the cards.

All kinds of outdoor sports, the sillier the better will add sunshine to your year.

Find travel excitement by planning your own itinerary and adventuring in style, perhaps in a gypsy caravan, narrow boat or campervan.

A sunny seaside “B” spot and a mountain with a woman’s name will appeal. Hot holiday dates are May 26 and December 4.


Apr 21 – May 21

FAMILY FOCUS: A family full moon on January 28 turns everything upside down – for a brilliant reason. Don’t fight change, as 2021 is your year to run with it and make it work for everyone.

In the middle of June, Mars jumps in with big ideas, so check everyone is on the same page. It’s a Saturn year for tough love and reconciliations, and holding out for the best answer is always better than settling.

2021 is Taurus’ year to run with changes and make them work for everyone

If you long to live in two places, this dream can come closer, especially from January to May when Jupiter powers your goal-setting zone.

An event that links three generations goes well in summer, and November 5 sets off family fireworks! 

FEELING GOOD: You love luxury and this year is no exception. But saving money by searching for second-hand gadgets or cut-price spa or hotel stays can keep the treats coming.

It’s important to look after your throat and voice – first with plenty of water and second by scheduling some silent time each day.

Keeping a food diary can also help you stay on top of your high-calorie tastes. Health moons on March 28 and October 6 enable you to keep going or start over.

Mercury highlights August 30 as a positive results day.

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It’s important to look after your throat and voice with plenty of water

BOOST YOUR WELLBEING: Letting off steam with wild living-room dancing or a kitchen disco is great for you.

Try not to be too rigid about plans as a cancelled date can lead to something even better, especially in spring.

Breaks that combine opposites, in people and destinations, are good for Taurus, along with getting back to nature.


May 22 – Jun 21

FAMILY FOCUS: Stable Saturn focuses on your truth sector in 2021, and finding your way to total family honesty is part of this.

It’s not easy to ask for change, but you can do it – and keep on doing it until you see a result.

Geminis should keep on asking for change until they see a result

Any project that finds family members studying or working together can go well this year – especially pre-May and after October. Mars flips a fun family switch on July 29 and lightens the atmosphere.

Uranus’ position in your 2021 chart takes you towards home addresses off the beaten track, and a location linked to a film can be the perfect place for your next act.

FEELING GOOD: Routine is not your natural Gemini modus operandi, so start the year with a promise to yourself to try new things at new times.

Sport or activity with an Eastern connection can feel like a perfect fit, plus your mind-body communication is top-notch right now. Deep, slow breathing creates calm and balance.

Positive health moons happen on April 27 and November 4, and a Mars energy boost at the end of October helps you breeze through a fitness obstacle that’s previously held you back.

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If you’ve ever thought of learning an instrument, this is your moment

BOOST YOUR WELLBEING: If you’ve ever thought of learning an instrument, this is your moment – you have deep skills ready to be revealed.

Any task linked to nature is satisfying for Gemini in 2021.

Jupiter jumps in and out of your new horizons sector and brings you surprise travel tickets in prize settings, plus a chance to step into some adventurous shoes and really test yourself.


Jun 22 – Jul 22

FAMILY FOCUS: Pluto is the driving force in your togetherness zone this year, and yes, this means doing things your way.

But you can sell this so well to the rest of the family and make real progress together.

Cancers can test boundaries and trust in November and December

A strong co-operation moon on January 13 starts 2021 well, and Mercury boosts big home goals in April, building to a rich result at the end of August.

In November and December you can test boundaries and trust, and realise how strong bonds can be. A building with three kinds of windows can feel like home.

FEELING GOOD: Stepping out and slowing down is your twin health approach in 2021. Keep your metabolism ticking over by eating and exercising little and often.

Make a point of tackling low-level anxiety, so you’ll calm your nerves and feel any digestion issues settle.

Your health moons are on May 26 and December 4, so these are days to recognise your willpower and what it can do.

Mars ends the year with a surprise sign-up to a charity challenge that motivates you.

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This can be your year for a writing or painting course

BOOST YOUR WELLBEING: Get set to be so much more sociable in 2021! You can step out of the shadows of shyness and sparkle in front of an audience.

Plus, you shine at outdoor informal settings, and are great in a crisis.

Setting up a business that mixes all these elements turns work into fun.

Holidays that mean something are Cancer’s hot ticket in 2021, and this can be your year for a writing or painting course, or to study a subject your mind keeps returning to.


Jul 23 – Aug 23

FAMILY FOCUS: This year you have steadfast Saturn loyalty and this makes you such a cherished member of a family.

You believe what you know, not what you hear, and stop any gossip in its tracks. Keeping cash and love separate is a great move in February as Mercury reverses, so stay cool but also stay in contact.

Keeping cash and love separate is a great move for Leos in February

Neptune keeps emotions near the surface, especially between June 25 and December 1, and you can let yourself be vulnerable.

A new moon on November 4 brings a big announcement before a big event. Jupiter’s chart mix makes this a year of lifestyle contrasts.

Until mid-May, you’re set on one property or place, but in June and July you switch to something totally different. On April 27 you visit a home that could one day be yours.

FEELING GOOD: A standing desk, a TV-watching stretching routine or any other way to sit less and move about more goes so well in 2021.

During spring, focus on inner rather than outer success – so it’s all about how you feel, rather than how you look – and your confidence will shift.

From June onwards, Mars boosts energy even further and you’ll love sampling a brand-new sport or exercise fad. But remember to make a proper commitment if you want to see results.

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You should explore nature-linked fun such as hiking

BOOST YOUR WELLBEING: Swapping a leadership role for a place in a team lets you make mistakes out of the spotlight.

This can lead you towards an unexpected opportunity linked to listening and watching in silence – from counselling to film or book reviews – and you can unlock a creative, caring and laid-back Leo.

A line on a map you’ve drawn so many times is stronger than ever this year – and that dream journey can actually happen. A horseshoe-shaped beach, a glass tower and “F” towns may all be significant.

A resort you have happy memories of as a child can feature on your agenda and lots of short trips keep your interest and energy up during the year. You should also explore nature-linked fun, from foraging for ingredients and caring for animals to hiking and outdoor swimming.

Venus closes the year with three months in your wellbeing sector, so this is a golden time for you.


Aug 24 – Sep 22

FAMILY FOCUS: Neptune lights up your zone of close bonds for the whole of 2021, giving you a chance to switch off pride and let your deeper, softer self lead. Even family stalemates that have lasted for years can ease.

Old pictures pointing to new prizes, and an event with three different plans are also key markers in your family year. You stand firm on March 15, revise a list of names in June, and sign a shared document in August.

Virgos should make it their mantra to let everything out, from worries to laughter

Logic planet Mercury suggests several false starts in a home situation – until November 24, a key settling-down or settling-in date. Don’t let your heart push you into saying yes too soon.

A house you’ve often seen on a screen taps into luck when you see it for real. Extended buildings, circular lawns and space-linked names can be lucky.

Mars and Mercury end 2021 with a familiar name in print and an overnight celebration.

FEELING GOOD: With Saturn to boost willpower and steady nerves all year, it’s now or never for a new fitness regime. This time, slow the pace but up the support from friends, family or an online forum.

You may slip up, especially in months with an “R” in them – but you can see this through. Make it your mantra to let everything out, from worries to laughter, especially over the summer.

Through August to December, Jupiter brings a burst of positive energy and a new exercise with a celebrity connection can go well. Your health moons make February 11 and July 26 brilliant dates.

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It’s now or never for a new fitness regime

BOOST YOUR WELLBEING: Think of an activity you’ve always assumed too bold or adventurous for you – then get signed up!

This year is your moment to break free from the rules you’ve made for yourself. You slot so well into charity treks and personal challenges, journeys off the beaten track and a total change of lifestyle – if you believe you can, you will!

Uranus, the wild child planet, controls your travel chart in 2021, so your choices could seem a surprise to some.

University towns and cities inspire you, along with a famous bridge. Travelling to places linked to your favourite music, or with a group of strangers, adds to holiday success.


Sep 23 – Oct 23

FAMILY FOCUS: Power planets focus on your fifth house in 2021 – the one that rules relationships with children. So expect changes in family size and structure.

But this year is also about your own inner child and mending bonds that may have disappointed you before.

Libras can expect changes in family size and structure

Saturn is your strongest ally, helping you stay fair and patient all year, while Jupiter opens up talks again, especially until May 13 and between July 28 and Christmas. You know deep down what needs to be said.

A family full moon on June 24 can link to a surprise celebration. A major renovation looks set for April on an existing home or a new address, and all the right people rally round.

FEELING GOOD: Get ready to plunge into 2021 as swimming, paddling, floating on water – or just walking beside it – can have such a soothing effect on your mind and body.

Neptune is in your health zone all year, so when this sensitive planet reverses (from June 25 to December 1), make sure you get enough sleep and cut back on fatty food and alcohol.

Libra personal health moons are March 13 and August 22, so set these as diet or fitness deadlines.

Spring is your time for big ideas and property dreams, and from mid-March Mercury steps in to project manage your chart. Jupiter clocks in on December 28 and positive energy powers up.

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A major renovation looks set for April on an existing home or a new address

BOOST YOUR WELLBEING: You’re a brilliant cheerleader for others and a role as any kind of personal trainer or one-to-one encourager can be a surprise fit for your skills, so don’t talk yourself down!

You’re also ready to switch off your overactive mind and tune into and trust your body. You could even study a hands-on healing practice you’ve previously dismissed.

Garden and home makeovers (and getting your hands dirty) can be so fulfilling. A location that’s part of a famous painting or photograph is tailor-made for you and you’ll feel so at home among hills and lakes.

The outdoor life is a surprise hit, and survival skills and pedal power also appeal. But you’ll get the luxury you love at a legendary shopping destination.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

FAMILY FOCUS: You’re the stabilising calm at the centre of a family and no matter what storms may happen, you stay in control – that’s your gift from Saturn in 2021.

But you also have the ability to link past and present in healing ways, and turn inter-generational doubts or questions into forward-facing answers.

Scorpios are the stabilising calm at the centre of a family

Generous Jupiter jazzes up your family zone from January until May, so you help everyone get problems in perspective and focus on positive feelings. Your Jupiter twinkle gives you the edge in winning property races, or any other kind of contract contest.

Expect three letters or texts in July that change your destiny, plus a new celebrity link in September and a shared story of success towards the end of the year.

New addresses linked to converted public buildings, from a church to a station, can be your potential home sweet home.

FEELING GOOD: Uranus urges you to work on your health at your own pace and step away from the pressure to meet impossible standards.

An unusual but healthy diet can be part of your 2021, along with trying some weird fitness fads that may actually feel a perfect fit.

You do you – don’t worry about anybody else – but Jupiter reminds you that fitness needs to be fun! Your get-it-done moons are April 12 and September 20.

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An unusual but healthy diet can be part of your 2021

BOOST YOUR WELLBEING: Maybe you don’t see yourself as a mediator, but this year you make a genius go-between and you can find a new lease of life selling or promoting other people’s art, music or fashion.

Writing or talking for laughs, appearing on cooking or dating shows, and driving or walking in beautiful landscapes all bring you joy, and you’ll love living as part of an ever-changing triangle!

Mars is moving in the teaming up and pressing forward parts of your chart in the first few months of 2021 – so when the dynamic planet hits your travel sector for six weeks from June 11, you’re ready to fly!

City breaks and group trips fit well with your travel mindset and historical tours are a hit, too. But factor in time for relaxation, and a white building on a white cliff may be the setting for this.

Pastel-painted houses, crescent addresses, a famous castle and narrow, twisty roads can all be on your map.


Nov 23 – Dec 21

FAMILY FOCUS: Your planet ruler Jupiter is on track for your family chart in 2021, and despite a few double-backs that will slow things down, it will get there by the end of December.

So stay positive whatever happens, as you can be assured that good times will be ahead.

Sagittarius’ can be assured that good times will be ahead

Plus, you can use Jupiter’s communication bonus until May to spell out any family changes you need – don’t back down like you have in the past. And the planet brings luck to doors that are a mix of numbers and letters, and property names linked to poetry.

Your key to family success this year is planning – even if this isn’t something you always welcome. But Mercury adds strategy to your self-motivation, especially in March and July.

In August you can rewrite a special document and in November, you know your true value.

FEELING GOOD: Uranus rules your health sector all year, with the most input from January 14 to August 20, so try to complete any time-limited health changes in this period.

You tend to dip in and out of things and finding a focus is a challenge. This year you’ll be spoilt for choice, but you should trust yourself to stick to the right goals.

The sun’s on side from April 19 to May 20, so that’s your time to get out in the fresh air and try an outdoor version of something you love. A group who are all dressed the same is part of your fitness future.

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You’ve got a flair for putting outfits together in unique ways

BOOST YOUR WELLBEING: Building a business may seem a world away from your happy-go-lucky Sagittarius persona, but the less seriously you take a project, the better you do with it.

You love sharing words of wisdom with the world and this could lead to exciting opportunities. You’ve also got a flair for finding, making or adapting clothes and putting outfits together in unique ways.

You have a strong chart of personal development in 2021, and this can include some long-stay time spent in new places – perhaps as part of a new family or work group – you’ll learn so much about the world and about yourself.

Cloudless skies, old-fashioned transport, unusual health spas and locations known by more than one name are all important. Good journey dates are January 28 and August 8.


Dec 22 – Jan 20

FAMILY FOCUS: Security surrounds you in 2021, thanks to Saturn. But it’s very much on your terms, so you can break habits or expectations that weigh too heavily on you.

From January 8, when Mercury steps in to weed out people or projects who waste your time, you can start to set up your own family future. By the middle of March, you can be well on your way to a new understanding of a money problem, which means fairer shares for everyone involved.

Security surrounds Capricorns in 2021, thanks to Saturn

You have a genius eye for a property bargain and a house you first see in someone else’s profile can be a perfect fit for you, especially around Easter or summer-holiday time.

From late-March through to May, the sun shines on renovation plans and you have great get-it-done energy. Jupiter adds sparkle to a family enterprise in August and September, and a travel-based contact can be the key.

FEELING GOOD: Smells that surround you are crucial to Capricorn, so do some testing and find yourself a fragrance that boosts your 2021 feel-good mood.

If too many timetables and to-do lists get you down, clear at least one day a week to do whatever takes your fancy – even if it’s nothing at all!

Stretching and balance exercises, perhaps as part of an online class, keep your body flexible and can also benefit your mind. Positive health moons on June 10 and November 19 are great start or end dates for diet or fitness goals.

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Do some testing and find yourself a fragrance that boosts your 2021 feel-good mood

BOOST YOUR WELLBEING: Jupiter lights up your communication sector in May, June and July, then again from December 28, so talking – whether on-screen, in-person, or by phone – is something you should do as often as you can as this will release something so rewarding.

This year also brings chances to reconnect with childhood hobbies and learn a cooking skill you’ve always wanted to try. Outdoor music, camping and mystery tours are further fun-finders.

From July onwards, Mars fires up your adventure chart and destinations linked to “M” – even very close to where you live – can prove so exciting for you.

Venus is in your sign to top and tail a year of choosing trips you love, rather than being pushed by others, and this can mean travelling solo.


Jan 21 – Feb 18

FAMILY FOCUS: With unconventional Uranus in your family sector, this is your year to do things differently. From switching rooms or roles at home, to living in a new place or at a new pace, you lead the way to positive family change.

Brighter, lighter colours can be appealing, along with setting limits on how much time and energy you allow others to drain from you.

If you are an Aquarius, you will lead the way to positive family change

If you’ve been too hung up on appearances, this can end in 2021, when you realise it’s not how a home looks, but how it feels that matters. You see a current address with fresh eyes, and reframe a search for something new.

Jupiter’s in your sign much of the year, adding confidence to aim high, expect more and win big.

In April and May, Mercury layers logic into wishful thinking and two households can become one. From August 20 until Christmas, expect the unexpected!

FEELING GOOD: Finding a health focus, instead of feeling pulled in too many directions, can be your key to fitness in 2021. So start your year by writing down everything you’d like to achieve, then putting them in order of priority.

Go with your heart not your head and you may be surprised! If you tend to eat on the run, schedule time for proper sit-down meals, especially if you’re working from home.

Health moons on July 10 and December 19 turn back time.

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Start your year by writing down everything you’d like to achieve, then putting them in order of priority

BOOST YOUR WELLBEING: Instead of living so much in your mind, you’re ready to get physical in 2021. Obstacle courses, splashing in puddles, working with clay or kneading and baking bread – all these and more can unlock a deeper you.

Building your own furniture, DIY tasks and helping in charity collections are so fulfilling, too. And in the bedroom, when you stop overthinking and follow your instincts, you’ll see fireworks.

Jupiter jumps in and out of your money zone all year, but ends up back there in December, so however daunting, don’t give up on an ambitious travel plan, and keep working and saving towards it.

Your chart also links you to destinations surrounded by mountains or desert, countries known by initials and places famous for a particular type of music.


Feb 19 – Mar 20

FAMILY FOCUS: Saturn spends 2021 in your sector of spirituality and secrets – and if you’ve been finding it hard to fit into a family, this can change.

You find the words to ask for what you need and then to make it happen. Jupiter’s contribution is the ability to break free from the past and turn regrets into positive energy.

If you’ve been finding it hard to fit into a family, this can change in 2021

In May, June and July you also have new confidence to push ahead with plans, regardless of whether everyone is in favour.

It’s easy to slip into a home rut, and recent uncertainty hasn’t helped, but this year is marked by your ability to get going and get results.

The partial eclipses on June 10 and November 19 are both significant – along with the transit of Mars through your home zone for most of March and April. Don’t overthink it, just do it!

A red-haired baby, a picnic event and a selection of family stories or pictures you bring together all point to Pisces luck, especially in “M” and “A” months.

FEELING GOOD: Your body can’t relax while your mind is uptight, so finding ways to calm them both together is a great move. An activity you may have tried before is ripe for revisiting, especially in March and July when Mercury is on form.

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A good sleep routine is vital for you to make the most of golden Jupiter opportunities that are coming your way

Keeping caffeine in check and eating small, healthy meals regulates digestion and mood, and a good sleep routine is vital for you to make the most of golden Jupiter opportunities that are coming your way.

January 28 and August 8 are key get-fitter-faster dates.

BOOST YOUR WELLBEING: Pretending to be someone else through acting, writing or just dressing and behaving in different ways is a 2021 freedom-finder for Pisces.

Leaving rules and responsibility behind opens your mind to new ideas and helps you see how many doors have always been open to you. Venus boosts charisma, so your advice reaches high places.

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You’re a shrewd, instinctive investor in people and skills.

Uranus hangs out in your communication zone all year and highlights conversations, commitments and even proposals taking place away from home in unexpected surroundings – so getting away, even just for an hour or for a day, sparks big personal change.

From April until November you’re Mars-hungry for excitement and ready to jump straight into last-minute tickets or invites.

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