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Weekly horoscope for July 26 – August 1 – your week ahead according to Kerry King and her tarot cards

EVERY Sunday, our resident Tarotscope reader Kerry King will be revealing what surprises, challenges and excitement awaits you in the week ahead.

Kerry has been practising tarot readings for the last 20 years, starting from reading for friends to amassing an international client list.

Kerry has been practising tarot readings for the last 20 years
Kerry has been practising tarot readings for the last 20 years

Using her strong intuition and deep knowledge and understanding of the horoscope, she is able to provide accurate and encouraging predictions for the coming days.

Here’s her predictions for YOUR star sign…

ARIES (Page of Wands, Page of Swords, Page of Coins)


Three Pages! I don’t think I’ve ever seen that combination in a three-card reading, so there’s something “rare” about this week for you.

Well, the theme is news. Lots of news, information, gossip, invitations, and general communication this week, so keep your channels open and be on the alert for new opportunity.

The news will focus on conflicts and disagreements (Swords), opportunities and new projects (Wands) and work and money (Coins).

Make the most of what you find out, and use the information to create an advantage, get ahead, manifest a new idea, and help others.

You are a bit of a “maven” in life, an expert about all-sorts of things, and you love to be in the middle of a social whirl, you need company and conversation.

So, I think this week will be very satisfying for you on all levels.

TAURUS (The Hermit, The Sun, Four of Coins)

Stop a habit. 
Stop a habit. 

Be tough on yourself this week, Taurus, because if you let yourself off the hook you are in danger of getting into a “rut” about something.

The Four of Coins is a warning that a habit is forming, and not a good one.

You are repeating a pattern of behaviour, or attitude, that doesn’t do you any favours in the long run, though it obviously satisfies something in you in the short term.

The Hermit wants you to take this situation seriously, and put your powerful analytical brain to work on it.

Why are you doing this? What does it satisfy? What triggers this behaviour or thinking? What is the root cause?

Work through it all, and then this self-awareness will help prevent you from doing it again.

Catch yourself when you feel the feelings arising again, and distract yourself until it has passed.

The Sun says that skirting this issue will help you feel so much better about yourself and your life.

You’re on the edge of a pit, recognise it, and pull back now. Do yourself a big favour.

GEMINI (The High Priestess, Eight of Wands, The Devil)

Audit your commitments.
Audit your commitments.

Deep down, you know that, as we emerge from lockdown tentatively, you’re in danger of going back to some old, bad habits and behaviours.

The Devil is a warning card about following the paths of least resistance, that lead to places we don’t want to be in.

Be mindful of what you pick back up as your freedom and social circle starts to expand again.

Not everything deserves a place in your life going forwards, and you’re under no obligation to do everything you used to do.

The High Priestess and Eight of Wands show that this insight will appear to you as a “lightbulb moment” this week, so give yourself time and space to ruminate and mull on what stuff you want to drop.

Don’t be in a rush to reinstate all of your old commitments, some of them need to fall to the wayside and, this week, it will become clear to you which ones have outlived their shelf life.

CANCER (Ace of Wands, The Magician, Three of Wands)

New activity.
New activity.

WOW! Are you ready for a fantastic week of manifesting your ideas and dreams?

Hope so, because that is what is happening!

The Ace of Wands and The Magician are all about initiating your ideas, making them happen, starting something inspiring and fulfilling.

You are going to use your natural strengths and talent to make something amazing happen, and it is going to feel great!

So, Cancer, identify your most exciting ambition or idea and make a start on it, this week, because the stars are aligning to bring you good fortune and opportunity.

The Three of Wands shows that others will help you.

Someone has got just the right energy, opening or input to get things moving faster than you ever thought would be possible.

Share your thoughts and ideas with others, and you’ll find they can help you.

Don’t waste this wonderful energy. Put something in motion, and feel creative!

LEO (Seven of Cups, Nine of Swords, The Lovers)

Talk it through.
Talk it through.

A decision is playing on your mind and you’re dreaming up all kinds of worst-case scenarios that, frankly, are NOT helping you make a sensible choice.

The Seven of Cups shows your imagination has gone into overdrive, and you’re spiralling into a doomsday prediction zone.

You are seeing all of your worst fears playing out. It’s paralysing.

The Lovers shows that you genuinely feel unsure what to do, and this scenario-playing is actually a damaging form of procrastination.

It’s like torturing yourself, and making you believe there are NO good outcomes here. Which is not true.

The Nine of Swords shows that you need to get this out of your head and talk it through with someone trusted.

When you are forced to articulate your options and your thinking so far, it will reveal the flimsiness of many of your fears.

Most of this is just drama or your imagination or projections of things you worry about secretly. Hardly any of it is validated or real.

Talk it through. Make sense of your options. And choose one. Simple.

VIRGO (King of Swords, The Hanged Man, Two of Cups)

Romance ahead.
Romance ahead.

Romance is on the cards for you this week, Virgo, as signalled by the loving and loyal Two of Cups.

If you’re single, expect an admirer (maybe an Air sign or a Pisces) to emerge, and if you’re attached then expect passions to be ignited in the week ahead.

Things are looking up! The Hanged Man shows this is very welcome news, as things have stalled a little in this area of your life recently.

It’s been a bit “quiet” on the love front, but that dry spell is coming to an end now.

We all experience ebbs and flows in our relationships, it’s natural. It can’t be like the movies 24:7.

The King of Swords shows that this passion is ignited by an intellectual connection you make, so maybe it’s an intense discussion or debate that makes you see someone in a new light.

Maybe you get to work together on something taxing and stimulating, and you bond over your puzzlement at what to do.

Maybe you play a game that makes you both laugh, and in that moment of free-flowing humour, you reconnect.

So, look to “play” with your objects of affection this week. Love is in the air.

LIBRA (Four of Wands, Seven of Coins, Ace of Swords)

Solve it.
Solve it.

An improvement in your circumstances is entirely possible and within your own gift, if you can be brutally honest about what needs to change, and why.

The Ace of Swords is a truth card, and shows up when we need to express ourselves and get something off our chest.

You have suppressed a dissatisfaction with your life for too long, and it’s time to put it into words and say it aloud.

The Seven of Coins shows that this will prove to be a turning point in your life.

You can’t fix what you don’t understand, and articulating what’s wrong is the first step towards true understanding.

The Four of Wands reveals this will create a surge of energy and optimism.

At last you know what you’re dealing with, and therefore what you need to do to get past it.

You are such a smart cookie, your brain is brilliant at problem-solving.

You just need to identify and describe the right problem first!

SCORPIO (Five of Wands, Page of Swords, Six of Cups) 


I feel like there’s jealousy around you this week, and it’s created by a clash of forces between your present and your past.

The Five of Wands reveals the discord, the Page of Swords shows the attempt (by another) to make it look like nothing and pass it off as YOUR problem, and the Six of Cups shows the root cause of their bad attitude is an insecurity about something or someone from your past.

Maybe it’s obvious what this is all about, maybe you have to look a little deeper.

It might be as blatant or surface-level as a partner being worried about an ex.

It could be a friend who worries that you don’t like them as much as you once did, that the bond has withered.

It could be a colleague who feels you judge them based on a past performance they struggle to repeat.

Notice tensions around you, and try to see if there are triggers or root causes that have links to the past.

If so, you can fix them.

No one needs to fear the past, it’s DONE.

Help everyone in your world move on, feeling secure and confident that the future is what you’re all working on now. Together.

SAGITTARIUS (Ten of Coins, Page of Cups, Seven of Wands)


When you make things into “play” vs “work”, you get on a WHOLE lot better with them.

And this is just what you need to do this week.

Sagittarians are energetic and playful, mischievous and quick-witted. Monotonous tasks get you down.

The Ten of Coins shows you’re working hard and making progress, the rewards are stacking up, but the effort is taxing, and you long to put down your tools and go frolic for a while!

The Page of Cups and Seven of Wands asks you to reframe your tasks.

Make them feel like games. Make your to-do list into a competition, a challenge, and a puzzle.

Invest a bit of time in “gamifying” your schedule and action plan, and you will not only romp through it all in half the time, but I think you will enjoy it too.

So, you’ll get more time to genuinely kick back and enjoy yourself, and a sense of satisfaction from your work that has been recently lacking.

Have fun! 

CAPRICORN (The Moon, Queen of Swords, Nine of Coins)


You’re never without a plan or scheme of some kind up your sleeve, you always have an eye on the “long game”, and how the moves you make today are stacking up to take you to the destination you’ve got in mind.

The Nine of Coins very much puts you in one of those moods this week, drawing up long-term strategies and goals.

The Queen of Swords shows this is a solo affair. It’s not about your family, relationships or partnerships.

It’s about your own career, finances or personal development.

It’s an intellectual exercise, and one tinged with a bit of ruthlessness.

You understand no one is going to make your dreams come true, except you.

The Moon shows that you need to do your research this week.

There is important information you don’t know, which will make a BIG difference to your plans.

Go ask questions, dig, find out what you don’t understand fully.

Don’t make any moves until you’ve done more homework, as important info has yet to come to light.

AQUARIUS (Five of Cups, Three of Swords, Knight of Coins)

Revisit the scene.
Revisit the scene.

The Five of Cups shows up when we’re dwelling on an old wound, something that someone did to us which hurt and shocked us.

A betrayal. An act of sabotage.

The Three of Swords shows this was the kind of thing you MIGHT forgive, but don’t forget.

I don’t know what’s triggered you to go back to this sad and damaging chapter in your life, except that, with hindsight, we can often glean useful insight and understanding from painful situations.

When we’ve got enough distance and perspective, we can re-examine the scene, forensically, and spot clues to our own input or behaviour which help us gain self-awareness, and maybe stop us making the same mistakes again.

With the resilient and self-assured presence of the Knight of Coins, you can travel back in time to the scene of this “crime”, and look at the evidence again.

There’s something you missed. Something which can be useful to you now.

Don’t dwell in the emotions, look at the facts and the actions. 

PISCES (Seven of Swords, Four of Coins, Three of Coins)


People get used to your “nice-ness” and, dare I say it, take it for granted.

They often assume you don’t have any “side” to you, and that they can get away with all kinds of bad behaviour because you always forgive and forget.

My, how wrong they are!

The Three and Four of Coins sees you breaking the spell for someone this week, and showing them that there’s a lot more to you than just “nice”.

You’ve got teeth and elbows like the rest of us, and you use them when you have to. Like NOW.

The Seven of Swords shows that it’s time to put this person in their place.

It doesn’t have to be an all-out scrap, you might want to subtly “ghost” them instead, but you do need to withstand their influence and escape their dominance.

Enough’s enough, right? Stand up for yourself, it’s time.


Kerry King uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 20 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world.

You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, at .

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