I spent $38 on Amazon products to shape my jaw, lips, and nose – two are must-buys if you’re considering plastic surgery
BAD news about my 2023 beauty goals: thanks to budget restrictions, I was forced to delay my exhaustive wishlist of cosmetic surgeries yet again.
But with the scant $38 left after I paid January's bills, I ordered some Amazon products to transform my face on a budget.
Luckily, my idea of reckless spending is logging into Amazon and buying beauty products with fewer than 250 reviews.
Instead of paying thousands for plastic surgery, I decided to stop at plastic.
For under $40, I found products that promised to mimic the result of lip fillers, chin augmentation, and even a nose job.
Of course, I only had one week to try them, but I was shocked by where I saw a discernible difference in that time.
But if you're too squeamish or sensitive for plastic surgery, beware: one product left me with dark bruises for days.
Total Savings
My three "substitute procedures" saved me a total of $9,182.03, but they weren't all effective.
I would suggest the lip plumper and chin lifter to anyone who is considering plastic surgery but is still on the fence.
These tools may help you decide if going under the knife is what you really want.
But you can skip the nose-shaping clamp entirely. It's a waste of money, and I feel guilty tossing it into a landfill.
Maybe I'll use it to clip a bag of chips closed.
In any case, this experiment confirmed that I won't be looking up the Real Housewives' favorite doctors anytime soon.
I'm not always satisfied with my face – but I always like having the option to look like my normal old self.
The Real Deal Costs: $9,220
I Paid: $37.97