What’s your eating age? Take our fun quiz to find out if your eating habits match your years
The Little Britain star revealed his food/age match yesterday in The Sun
MATT LUCAS joked in The Sun yesterday that his bad diet gives him the eating age of a nine-year old.
In his autobiography the Little Britain star, 43, says: “I go through phases when I’m evangelical about quinoa . . . then I see a new Galaxy bar and it all goes to pot.”
Sun nutritionist Amanda Ursell believes you can learn a lot from your eating age – but do you know what yours is?
Take our fun quiz to find out if your taste in food matches your real age.
How do you like your eggs?
A Ugh, eggs? Yuck; B Boiled; C Fried; D Omelette; E Scrambled; F Poached
What bread do you use for sarnies?
A Soft white sliced; B Crusty white; C Sourdough; D Brown; E Seeded; F Wholemeal
What would you choose to drink?
A Milk; B Fruit juice; C Fruit squash; D Fizzy soft drink; E Water; F Cup of tea
What is your favourite breakfast?
A Porridge; B Coco Pops; C Slice of white toast with jam; D Eggs on toast; E Bacon sarnie; F
Brown/wholemeal toast
Which of these most describes your eating habits?
A I don’t like different foods to touch on my plate; B I just use a fork to eat; C I have condiments (ketchup, mayo, etc) with every meal; D I always have dessert; E I put salt on every meal; F I eat a little bit of everything in each mouthful
Pick your favourite veg
A Potatoes; B Sweetcorn; C Peas; D Broccoli; E Onions; F Mushrooms
Which dinner would you order?
A Chicken with chips; B Margarita pizza;
C Mac and cheese; D Spag bol; E Curry;
F Fish in tomato and onion sauce
Choose your favourite dessert
A Rice pudding; B Ice cream and custard; C Fruit salad; D Chocolate cake; E Christmas cake with custard; F Fruit sorbet
Which of these is your favourite fruit?
A Banana; B Pear; C Strawberry; D Orange; E Blueberry; F Kiwi
What’s your go-to snack?
A Chocolate bar; B Fruit yoghurt; C Cereal bar; D Bag of crisps; E Hummus and peppers; F Handful of nuts
You hear there is a new Cadbury Dairy Milk bar out. What’s your reaction?
A Go out and buy one immediately; B Add it to the weekly shopping list; C Maybe chuck it in the shopping basket to see what all the fuss is about; D Get one as a treat at Christmas; E Laugh cynically that there is another “new” chocolate bar; F You can’t beat the original and best
How many of the following have you tried: Chia seeds, avocado, matcha tea, bulgur wheat, goji berries and sauerkraut?
A 0; B 1; C 2; D 3; E 4; F All of them
Where do you eat lunch?
A In the kitchen; B In the car; C Walking around; D Sitting in front of the TV; E In the garden/park; F At a table on a china plate
Mostly As: EATING AGE 1-9 – You’re just a big kid at heart and the thought of mixing chicken with veg makes you feel uneasy. You crave foods with a soft texture and bland flavours.
Mostly Bs: EATING AGE Teens – Happy to try new things as long as they are sweet. You’ve moved on to crusty white bread but still leave your greens and turn down runny scrambled egg.
Mostly Cs: EATING AGE 20s – You’re developing a taste for sharper flavours. Fried foods are a growing part of your diet for convenience and because it’s what the taste buds crave.
Mostly Ds: EATING AGE 30s – Crisps and chips are your guilty pleasures. You try to balance this with veg such as spinach. The occasional choc bar shows you have still got a sweet tooth.
Mostly Es: EATING AGE 40s – You’re more aware of your health and don’t crave a bag of sweets but go for savoury snacks.
Mostly Fs: EATING AGE 50-plus – No food is scary and you know which flavours go together. You would not dream of eating a meal without some veg in it.