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Kerry King reveals what the Universe has in store for you this week… according to Tarot

EVERY Sunday, our resident Tarotscope reader Kerry King will be revealing what surprises, challenges and excitement awaits you in the week ahead.

Kerry has been practising tarot readings for the last 20 years, starting from reading for friends to amassing an international client list.

 Our columnist Kerry King tells you what the week ahead has in store for you with her special Tarotscope readings
Our columnist Kerry King tells you what the week ahead has in store for you with her special Tarotscope readings

Using her strong intuition and deep knowledge and understanding of the horoscope, she is able to provide accurate and encouraging predictions for the coming days.

Here's her predictions for YOUR star sign...

ARIES (Two of Swords, King of Cups, Knight of Coins)

 Take the middle road
Take the middle road

You’re feeling torn this week as to whether it’s wiser / more beneficial to show them your open, loving side… or your more defensive, competitive side.

You can definitely be a King of Cups- generous, warm, compassionate, caring, protective. And you CAN get a bit Knight of Coins too- territorial, defensive, guarded, steely-eyed.

The Two of Swords shows you need to settle on an approach soon, and put it into action.

They say that you “get what you give”, but you know that’s not always the case.

Be too open and friendly, and some take advantage. But, then again, if you close this off too quickly then you’ll never know where it might’ve gone.

I say take the middle road. Put on your warmest smile and be enthusiastic, show interest and curiousity, and join in… but, in your mind, keep a little trap-door ajar.

If you get an intuition that all is not well, or they’re playing you, then be on the front foot to hop, skip OUT of there fast.

Take a chance. You never know.

TAURUS (Death, The Fool, Seven of Wands)

 Your way
Your way

A total new leaf can be turned this week, a real “before / after” marker in your life.

Death and The Fool conspire to bring about this change of the guard, and you must embrace this energy… you’ll be swept along with it, either way, so better to take control and steer a course.

Death means transformation, so things are due to change. A lot. Significantly. And that’s OK, because it’s been a long time coming and you’re ready.

The Fool is the patron saint of new beginnings, and means you’re turning the page to a new chapter.

And it’s OK to feel enthusiastic and optimistic, even if what you’re doing raises a few eyebrows.

The only thing you need to be careful about here is standing up for yourself, and not getting battened down by other people’s needs or agendas.

The Seven of Wands turns up when we need to sharpen our elbows and dig in, sticking up for our rights and what we want.

Others have different ideas about where you should be at, doing what, but that’s actually NONE of their concern.

You’re the one who has to live your life. Do it your way.

GEMINI (Seven of Cups, Eight of Cups, Queen of Coins)

 Make a wish
Make a wish

With some practical plans applied to a feasible purpose, you can achieve just about ANYTHING this week, Gemmy!

The Seven and Eight of Cups combine to tell of a daydream, a fantasy you dwell on and love living in your mind’s eye… well, this week you can take steps to make it a reality.

Are you ready? OF COURSE you are, you were born ready!

The Queen of Coins is the key here. She is dynamic, pragmatic, organised and business-like.

She breaks daydreams down into pieces, and organises them into a series of achievable tasks over a sensible time-frame- this method means big goals become doable.

And this is what you need to do here: break it down, organise it, schedule time for it, and then get going.

Little by little, you can travel a long way and seize one of your wishes.

The Universe brings us daydreams to show us the life we should be living. Don’t waste yours, make them happen! Start this week.

CANCER (King of Wands, The Sun, Nine of Coins)

 Holiday home
Holiday home

Do you dream of living somewhere warm and sunny, or maybe having a regular break in such a place, even a holiday home of some kind?

I ask because the card combination this week would speak perfectly of a holiday home scenario, a place you have on hand to escape to regularly.

Even if you don’t own it, you think of it as “yours”.

This is important for Cancerians, you need to get away from “real life” sometimes and let your powerful imagination roam free, a mental vacation from the humdrum and the grind.

I know it’s kinda’ specific, but please do consider what this message makes you think about.

Where would you love to travel, or move, to? What kind of regular “break” would you like to have from everyday life?

What investment could you make now that might make this a reality in the future?

It’s not necessarily something you can make happen overnight BUT you can start inching towards this dream lifestyle, I promise you.

If you really do dream this dream, it can come true.

LEO (Page of Swords, Ten of Swords, Three of Swords)

 Draw out the truth
Draw out the truth

A trio of Swords cards this week, Leo, so there might be a hint of conflict and brutal honesty around you, but it’s better OUT than IN, right?

Right. So, don’t back off (as IF you ever would) from situations where things need to come to a head.

The Page of Swords shows your reticence, to date, to tackle this outright.

I understand, sometimes you have to bide your time, amass the right “evidence”, choose your moment… but the time IS now, my friend.

The Three and Ten of Swords show this is about a problem in a relationship- perhaps a betrayal, an insult, a broken promise, a lack of respect or consideration.

It’s something which, left unspoken and buried, could threaten your bond.

So, this is something that needs drawing to the surface, exposing, understanding and then addressing in whatever way you feel suits.

You might want to say your piece and sever ties altogether (and I’m not saying that’s a bad idea…), or you might want to try and heal the wounds and move on with good grace (and that’s no bad thing either).

It’s up to you how things move forward, but first you need to stop and draw out the truths you’ve been dwelling on.

VIRGO (Six of Cups, Five of Swords, Ace of Wands)

 Rekindle a friendship
Rekindle a friendship

Look back to relationships which have been lost, or have faded, because something can be rejuvenated this week, and you won’t regret it!

The Six of Cups is a nostalgia card, and hints that someone from your past deserves a spot in your present.

The Five of Swords shows this is someone you fell out with, maybe not even badly or overtly, things just soured and then drifted and then got lost in the everyday bustle of life.

Do you miss them? Do you wish you’d kept in touch or sorted it all out there and then?

It’s still retrievable, as shown by the new beginning card Ace of Wands.

Go seek out your lost relatives / colleagues / friends / loves, and say ‘hi’.

What is there to lose? Nothing!

Mend some bridges and feel 100% better for it.

LIBRA (Page of Wands, The Empress, Ace of Swords)

 Family secrets
Family secrets

There’s a home truth waiting to emerge around you and your family, or your future plans to have/ expand your OWN family.

The Empress and the Ace of Swords combine to tell a story of unspoken feelings and intentions playing on your mind- maybe about your parents, siblings, ancestors or possibly your own (future) children.

None of this is shady, unpleasant or fearful, it all comes from a place of love and good intentions.

But you shouldn’t keep it bottled up any longer- secrets and hidden truths can hurt, they grow out of shape and proportion when they’re kept bottled up.

The Page of Wands strongly hints it’s around either a piece of news you’ve received, or will receive, OR a child / teenager in the family unit.

If you search your mind and heart, and find nothing, then let this pass by BUT if something does resonate then perhaps this is the week to get it off your chest and address how you feel.

SCORPIO (The High Priestess, Four of Coins, Ten of Wands)

 Escape a rut
Escape a rut

Deep down there’s a rut or habit you’re longing to escape from, but it has (previously) felt too difficult, so you’ve lingered on.

The Four of Coins is this energy- we stay in places, or with people, because it’s familiar, even if we know it’s not right for us.

The Ten of Wands shows how much this has been mounting up on you, the pressure grows because you know that you will HAVE to do something about it sooner or later…

Well, it’s is now “sooner” my friend, and it’s actually going to feel like a weight has lifted, so don’t delay your escape plans!

The High Priestess comes to your aide, and brings inner wisdom, psychic knowledge, sound instincts and a strong gut feel to guide you towards the “Exit”.

Follow your intuitions and you’ll find your way OUT of this rut by the end of the week, and you will not look back, trust me. Case Closed.

SAGITTARIUS (Eight of Swords, Judgment, The Magician)

 Make a start
Make a start

Letting go of stuff frees us up to receive new energy and opportunity, and this is what you’ve been in the process of doing this month.

The Eight of Swords and Judgment show closure of a long-standing situation which needed to be shut down.

Not only have you done so, but you’ve extracted important self-knowledge and life lessons too.

You’re ready to accept, atone for and process all that has gone on, take the wisdom, and move on feeling lighter and brighter. You’re happier in your own skin.

You’ve stopped comparing yourself and your circumstances to others as much, and you’re valuing exactly who you are.

This confident, self-assured mindset is going to open doors, my friend!

The Magician is a powerful card about manifesting our dreams through our own talents, skills and graft.

If you’re thinking of starting a new venture / job / role / side line / hobby, then this week is the PERFECT window of opportunity.

You’re ready for a new challenge, and you’ll be extremely successful in whatever you engage in.

CAPRICORN (Three of Coins, The Empress, Ace of Coins)

 Make friends
Make friends

You’re a LOT more admired than you probably even realise, you know.

Not only for your graft, good sense, loyalty and strong character… but also as an object of affection i.e. secret admirers!

I want you to consider that, this week, because there are friendship /relationship opportunities around which you’re overlooking.

The Ace and Three of Coins hint that people would love to get to know you better - NOT in a creepy, weird way, but as genuine connections. You’re popular, trust me!

The Empress hints there could be more than that at stake too, a potential love connection which you haven’t seized upon just yet.

Somebody really REALLY fancies you!

So, take a look at your network, social media, friendship group, long-lost contacts, and even those people you pass by who say ‘hi’ everyday… every one of them represents a possible new relationship.

Focus, this week, on making some new connections. Who knows where they could lead…

AQUARIUS (Knight of Swords, The World, Ten of Cups)

 Let them in
Let them in

You’re the sort of person who doesn’t always think to put the effort in with those you’re close to - you kinda’ assume they know how much you care and that you don’t need to “show” that.

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

The Knight of Swords and Ten of Cups hint that you should put a deliberate and (in your eyes) OTT effort into fussing and appreciating the people you really do need and value in your life.

Go the extra mile, treat them, get in touch, take them out, compliment them.

A little will go a long way here, and people DO need to hear how you feel (occasionally).

The World hints this is a lifetime challenge for you: letting others in emotionally.

You can be quite guarded and defensive (despite your initial friendliness and good humour).

If you don’t let people see your more vulnerable side, you’re limiting the depth of the bond you can create together.

We’re all “mush” inside, no one is going to be shocked or surprised to hear how you feel sometimes.

So, let them in, share your emotions, and tell them how much you love them. It won’t be as soppy and wet as you fear lol.

PISCES (Four of Wands, The Tower, Page of Cups)

 You ARE making progress
You ARE making progress

Sometimes, in order to move forwards we need to take a step back, or a few to the side.

It’s a “shuffling” kind of progress, but progress it IS.

Think that way this week and you won’t be frustrated by events.

The Four of Wands and Page of Cups shows that you ARE heading in the right direction and gaining momentum, even if it feels totally the opposite at times!

Your hard work and efforts will not go unrewarded, so keep on putting the investment of time and resource into your ambitions. It WILL pay back.

The Tower is the key card this week, and shows that something unexpected, and maybe a little troublesome, is going to crop up. Don’t panic, don’t worry.

Even if it looks “bad”, the event only serves to sweep false, fading and negative energy out of your way (albeit in possibly quite a dramatic manner).

Know that, long term, this is all shaking out for the best. And just keep going.

Kerry King uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 20 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world.

You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, at .

Garry's tarot revelation