Bridezilla demands her mate does her hair and wedding make-up for FREE because she doesn’t want to fork out £280

A BRIDEZILLA is demanding her friend does her hair and make-up for free as ‘she’s good at it’ and she doesn’t want to fork out for a professional artist.

The wedding guest raged her pal was trying to guilt-trip her into doing a ‘simple’ wedding look – using all of her own make-up.

The bride starts off by asking her friend for a favourCredit: Reddit

The woman took to to share messages she’d received from the bride, where she complained about having to pay £280 ($350) for a professional make-up artist.

She said: “My friend is getting married and asks if I can help with hair and makeup cause she doesn’t want to pay a professional.

“I tell her I can do her hair and a simple makeup look (FOR FREE) but she isn’t happy with that. Picture is the makeup look she wanted me to do. I’m not a makeup artist..."

The bride initially starts by asking if her friend “can help”, as she has “lots of make-up and can actually curl hair”.

The bride sent her this example of a 'simple' look she wantedCredit: Reddit

Her pal tells her she’s not great at doing make-up on other people, but the bride persists, asking if she can do “something simple”.

She sent a photo of a bridal look she liked – which is extremely complicated.

The friend explains it’s “not simple”, and would need a lot of blending and eyeliner flicks.


But she tries to help the bide, replying: “I can do the face make-up if you get colour matched at Sephora and buy your own foundation (I don’t have one to match you) and I can do a simple eye look (1-2 colours in the crease and 1 colour on the lid).”

The bride doesn't seem happy when she's informed her friend can't create the look she wantsCredit: Reddit

Still not satisfied, the bride quizzes her, saying: “But you always do wings though?

“And you can’t use your foundation on me?”


Her friend explains they don’t have the same skin tone, and her foundation won’t look right on her.

Still trying to be helpful, she offers to go with her to get colour-matched, but the bride simply replies: “So you can’t do my make-up?”

The wedding guest offers to do a tester look, but the bridezilla says: “I really thought you’d be able to help since your make-up always looks so good..”

The bride is displeased her friend won't use her own foundation on herCredit: Reddit

Frustrated, her friend says: “Girl, I can help, I just can’t do anything complicated.

“I’m not a make-up artist.

“Honestly you’re better off just hiring a make-up artist since that’s the look you want.

“I will still gladly do you hair.”


Unimpressed, the bride adds: “Whatever. Guess I’m gonna be stuck paying $350 (£280)."

Her friend is now waiting for an apology from the bride, adding she’s not normally this demanding.

The bride ends her message with a sulky 'whatever' after her friend advises her to hire an MUACredit: Reddit

She said: “I understand she’s probably really stressed and I just wanted to be as helpful as possible.


“This is why I just eventually said it would probably be best to hire a makeup artist. I don’t want to be the reason her whole wedding is ruined

“I would never of expected her to act like this honestly. I was mind blown and I’m expecting her to apologize, we’ll see I guess.”

Her post has racked up more than a thousand comments online, as people claimed the bride was out of order.

One person said: “She'll find a way to blame you.”


Another joked: “Just use your own foundation on her for her wedding day, I’m sure it’ll photograph just fine.”

People have branded the bride a 'choosy beggar' over her behaviourCredit: Reddit

A third  wrote: “’Light’ makeup? Hell, that model has about six pounds of makeup on her face. It looks very nice, but I would NOT call that ‘light’ makeup!

“Bottom line, if you want a pro makeup job, hire (and pay for) a pro.”


While this person thought: “This is a choosy beggar, she wants free make-up but it has to be ridiculous professional level.”


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Plus the bride stunned the groom by turning up in an inflatable dinosaur costume.

Meanwhile this groom who held up a sign saying ‘married on a Friday because Saturdays are for the boys’ was blasted by wedding shamers.

And this YouTuber shared her horror after realising her wedding dress was completely see-through. 

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