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Toe-curling texts reveal why trying to win back your ex with a message is NEVER a good idea

WHEN you're going through a break-up, there are a number of golden rules you should follow - including not texting your ex unless absolutely necessary.

Now, a hilarious new Instagram account, has been created, inviting followers to share their cringiest messages.

This ex received a brutal text back
This ex received a brutal text backCredit: textsfromyourex/Instagram

Proving it's never a good idea to text your former flame, the toe-curling messages include witty responses, awkward post break-up exchanges and even a request from one person asking if her ex's grandma could still do her taxes.

In another message, one person asked for their TV back before receiving a brutal response which read: "Sorry, I had to sell it to buy a new bed because you cheated on me in mine."

Others posted hilarious GIFs to sum up their feelings while another said they missed being able to use their ex's Netflix account.

Take these as a warning - if you're going through a break-up, step away from the phone...

Tell-y-ing off

When one person asked their ex to log out of Netflix, they ended up receiving a brutal response
When one person asked their ex to log out of Netflix, they ended up receiving a brutal responseCredit: textsfromyourex/Instagram

A taxing situation

This cheeky person asked if their ex's grandma could still do their taxes
This cheeky person asked if their ex's grandma could still do their taxesCredit: textsfromyourex/Instagram

Butt of the joke

One sent a minion GIF to this ex's text
One sent a Minion GIF to this ex's textCredit: textsfromyourex/Instagram

Block and delete

This person received a savage response
This person received a savage responseCredit: textsfromyourex/Instagram

Number games

Eleven has spoken
Eleven has spokenCredit: textsfromyourex/Instagram

Breast response

This cheeky ex tried their luck - but got a savage reply
This cheeky ex tried their luck - but got a savage replyCredit: textsfromyourex/Instagram

Always remember grammar

Always remember grammar
When you just can't resist pointing out their mistakesCredit: textsfromyourex/Instagram

Honesty is the best policy

This ex was straight to the point
This ex was straight to the pointCredit: textsfromyourex/Instagram

Time to get over it

The best response to an ex ever?
The best response to an ex ever?Credit: textsfromyourex/Instagram

Movie-ing on

This ex no longer has the perks of sharing an Amazon account
This ex no longer has the perks of sharing an Amazon accountCredit: textsfromyourex/Instagram

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