Sun Club

The thigh squeezer and other pelvic floor exercises to help beat embarrassing leaks – as 1 in 3 women suffer incontinence

ONE in three women are plagued by embarrassing leaks - the result of incontinence.

From childbirth to age and stress, there are lots of factors that make the condition more likely.

Exerciser rings like this one being used in a Pilates class claim to help strengthen pelvic floor musclesCredit: Getty - Contributor

But, there is something every woman can do to reduce her chances.

Incontinence happens when the pelvic floor muscles - which support the womb and help control the bladder and bowel, and boost sexual function - weakens.

Pregnancy, childbirth, being inactive, heavy lifting, constipation, being overweight and getting older can all result in these muscles deteriorating.

And when they weaken it can cause embarrassing leaks.


Women with stress incontinence - the most common form - will suffer urine leaks when they cough, sneeze or laugh.

Many women report they are able to reach orgasm more easily, and that their orgasms are more powerful, after focusing on pelvic floor muscle exercises

Amanda Savagephysiotherapist

Others may feel the sudden need to pass urine more often as the bladder spasms, known as urge incontinence.

Just like any muscle that weakens, the best way to strengthen them is with exercise.

Doing so will not only help incontinence, but it can also boost sex life and fertility.


Physiotherapist Amanda Savage said: "Like all muscles in the body the pelvic floor muscles can perform in different ways.

"Many women report they are able to reach orgasm more easily, and that their orgasms are more powerful, after focusing on pelvic floor muscle exercises."

But fear not ladies, there's a number of products on the market that claim to do the workout for you.

1. The Exerciser Ring

They may not look out of place in a Pilates class, but exerciser rings are actually said to help improve the pelvic floor muscles.
