‘Stupid’ vagina tightening stick claims to make sex feel ‘like the first time’ by ‘exfoliating calluses’
A BIZARRE vagina tightening stick has been slammed on social media for "stupid" claims that it will help you "return to your former tightness in seconds".
The creators of the Jamu Stick suggest the oblong-shaped device ensures sex feels "like the first time" by dealing with a "loose vagina, vaginal discharge and odor" and exfoliating "calluses".
On the website, the creators claim the 'stick' - which is 12cm long, 2.5cm wide and is meant to be placed up the vagina "for at least 30 seconds" - contains a "secret recipe" of herbs to stimulate "hormone balance" and strengthen "the flabby or insensitive vaginal muscles".
They write that it can be used for "vaginal cleansing, urovaginal microflora, elimination of vaginal discharge and odor, tightening of the vagina, increase of libido and intensification of sexual feelings".
They add that "tightening of the vaginal wall increases sexual feelings, restore a sense of youth and vitality during intercourse".
Additionally, they suggest that women from "all over Indonesia have used these 'sticks' since the time immemorial and are still used to maintain intimate purity and love for their husbands".
In a Facebook post, they also claim the 'stick' exfoliates "calluses" in the vagina.
The caption reads: "The biological exfoliation of the callus inside of the vagina sensitises, cleanses and regenerates the vagina as well as having a positive effect on the consistency and aroma of the secretion. "By shedding off the dead skin cells of the superficial layers of the vagina’s epithelial skin, Jamu Stick helps to regenerate and balancing the vaginal micro-flora while sustaining the humidity level and substance balance of the vagina."
Dr Jen Gunter, a gynaecologist, obstetrician and vaginal health expert, and author of the upcoming The Vagina Bible, has been urging women to ignore the product.
The stick works by temporarily reducing vaginal moisture, she says, and that lack of wetness during sex will cause the pelvic floor to spasm and tighten.
"Practices that dry the vagina are known to increase the transmission of sexually transmitted infections, never mind make sex painful for the woman," Dr Gunter wrote on her .
She says that all vaginas stretch a little over time and that if you really do want to make yours tighter, then Kegal exercises and pelvic floor maneuvers are your best bet.
"Stronger pelvic floor muscles can lead to better control during sex and even stronger orgasms," she said.
"Vaginas should be wet and they should stretch. That's part of what makes them fun."
The original Facebook post garnered plenty of confusion.
One woman commented: "I just use my husband's belt sander. I get a lot of smoking and it smells funny, but no more calluses in my noonie."
Another joked: "So one guy finally found a clit and he thinks it's a callus?"
A third pointed out: "Harmful, inaccurate and stupid."
The Sun Online has contacted Jamu Stick for comment.
According to the , the "vagina is designed to keep itself clean with the help of natural secretions (discharge)".
They also recommend pelvic floor exercises to .