‘Orchid’ kids are hypersensitive while ‘dandelions’ thrive in most environments… so what is YOUR child?
A PROFESSOR has revealed there are two types of children; “orchids” or “dandelions”.
The majority of kids (80 – 85 per cent) are “dandelions”, which means they are resilient, hardy and able to thrive in most social situations.
By contrast, around one in five kids are “orchids”, who find it more challenging at school and are highly sensitive to their environment.
Orchids may be more susceptible to breakdowns or illnesses, but can excel at the highest levels, if they are given the proper guidance, said a leading paediatrician.
Dr Thomas Boyce, professor of paediatrics and psychiatry at the University of California, said orchids “experience the majority of all the physical and psychological illnesses found within a population of children over time”.
This can result in them having personality traits such as being shy, acting tearful and being hypersensitive to what is going on around them.
Orchids are particularly sensitive to stress and being excluded in social situations, and the traits can be spotted early on.
Scientists claim lying down with your kids until they fall asleep is GOOD for them and can reduce mental health problems later in life.
Meet the new fans of ‘gentle parenting’ who ask their kids permission to touch them and never punish them when they’re naughty.
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