How much does liposuction cost, how does the procedure work and what are the before and after results?
It isn't a procedure to be taken lightly and can drastically alter the way you look.
IT CAN sometimes be perceived as a quick fix to losing weight, and is a procedure that's seen many invest thousands just to shift a few pounds.
Here's everything we know about liposuction..
What is liposuction?
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure to get rid of excess or unwanted fat.
It is typically used to suck out fat from smaller areas that are harder to shift through dieting and exercise, such as the buttocks, hips, thighs and tummy.
, only when it's to treat certain health conditions.
Lipo is not a cure for obesity, and isn't used to remove large amounts of fat from those who are overweight, procedures such as gastric bands are instead used for such.
What does it involve?
Liposuction involves the patient being put under general anaesthetic for the procedure, although an epidural can be used for lower parts of the body.
The NHS have described the steps of the surgery as:
- surgeon would mark on your body the area where fat is to be removed
- inject this area with a solution containing anaesthetic and medication, to reduce blood loss, bruising and swelling
- break up the fat cells using high-frequency vibrations, a weak laser pulse or a high-pressure water jet
- make a small incision (cut) and insert a suction tube attached to a vacuum machine (several cuts may need to be made if the area is large)
- move the suction tube back and forth to loosen the fat and suck it out
- drain any excess fluid and blood
- stitch up and bandage the treated area
Eda Iannone, an Aesthetic Trainer at said: "Patients can expect downtime of a few days with some activity restrictions for between 3 to 6 weeks."
How much does it cost?
The cosmetic procedure can range a lot in cost due to it being performed on different areas of the body.
If done in the UK it can cost anything from £2,000 to £6,000 and this can vary depending on who you go to.
A lot of people tend to head abroad to countries such as Turkey due to reduced costs, however, this can be dangerous if you're in the wrong hands so make sure you've done your research.
What do the results look like?
The results vary from person to person, but will typically result in a slimmer, flatter silhouette.
It does not necessarily get rid of cellulite but will flatten any areas with excess fat
What are some of the side effects?
After liposuction, it's normal to experience some side effects which include bruising and swelling.
There's also short term numbness and scarring to think about.
Fluid could also seep from where the incisions were made.