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Is white bread really bad for you, how many calories are in a slice and what are the healthiest types of bread?

Besides going well with chocolate spread, apparently bread that's high in fibre should be next on our list of priorities

WHITE bread has got a bit of a bad rep at the moment - but is it really that bad?

What was once the source of all comfort food is now being pushed aside for fear of eating gluten... so should we really write it off for good? Let's explore...

 Nothing beats a slice of white bread... except a slice of white bread covered in chocolate spread
Nothing beats a slice of white bread... except a slice of white bread covered in chocolate spreadCredit: Alamy

Is white bread really bad for you?

When enjoyed as part of a balanced diet, no white bread isn't necessarily "bad" for you.

But if it features as part of your everyday lunch, then it may be worth opting for something a little greener.

Although certainly delicious, white bread is very low in fibre and high in sugar.

In other words, this everyday option doesn't have much nutritional value.

 An average slice of white bread contains just under 100 calories
An average slice of white bread contains just under 100 caloriesCredit: Alamy

How many calories of white bread are there in a slice?

It goes without saying that the calorie content of bread varies from brand to brand.

So if you're wary of what actually goes into your favourite bread, it's worth looking at the label before you stock up.

But a typical slice of Warburtons roughly contains 94 calories.

Not as bad as we thought to be honest...

 Add 'grain' at the end of the name and chances are it'll be healthier than white bread
Add 'grain' at the end of the name and chances are it'll be healthier than white breadCredit: Alamy

What are the healthiest types of bread?

It will come as no surprise that wholemeal bread is among the healthiest.

After all, wholemeal flour contains loads of fibre while the bread itself even boasts more vitamins and minerals than white bread.

But if you're after a long-lasting source of energy (fitness buffs, we're looking at you), then multigrain may just be the way to go.

The combination of white flour and added grains make multigrain rich in fiber as well as a super low Glycemic Indx (GI).

Wholegrain bread is also a surprisingly great source of protein, unsaturated fats as well containing three different types of fibre.

But when all is said and done, we may just stick to Best of Both...

Alex James cooks Chimichurri steak flatbreads on the BBQ