Genius hack shows how you can open a bottle of wine with a lighter if you don’t have a corkscrew
EVER needed to open a bottle of wine but found yourself without a corkscrew? Panic not!
A handy video has shown how you can remove the cork within seconds simply using the humble lighter.
revealed a step-by-step guide to get to the wine without any fuss.
To start off, remove the bottle’s cover to expose the cork in question.
Then, use your lighter and put the flame on the neck of the bottle near to the cork in order to heat up the air underneath so it will expand.
Make sure you rotate the bottle of wine as you go so the area is fully warmed.
In around a minute, you should see the cork sliding upwards, until it finally pops out and you can pour yourself a glass. Bottoms up!
Just make sure you try and avoid burning yourself on the hot glass around the bottle neck.
This isn’t the only trick to getting that annoying cork out if you’ve lost your corkscrew.
Another trick is to take a key - ideally a spare one, in case it gets damaged - and remove the foil on top of the cork.
Then push the key into the edge of the cork at a 45-degree angle and begin to gently push it round in circles - so the cork turns with it.
Keep going, like with a corkscrew, until the cork comes far enough out for you to grab it with your hand. Gently ease the cork out.
Alternatively, you can use a wooden spoon.
Remove the foil from the top of the cork, then sit on a chair with the bottle of wine between your legs
Use the wooden-handled object to push the cork INTO the bottle. No, this won't cork the wine unless it breaks.
These are not the first handy wine tips that have swept the web.
Meanwhile here's one simple ingredient that will improve the taste in seconds.
Another simple hack showed how putting inexpensive vino in a BLENDER could transform your plonk.