Girlfriend dumps guy after post where he tells her she’s overweight and has a ‘beer gut’ goes viral
Shelby says she’s much happier single after her boyfriend kept making weight jibes
A WOMAN left extremely hurt after her boyfriend told her she was getting a “beer gut” has now dumped him after his text went viral.
Shelby Johnson posted a text exchange between her and her partner on twitter, seeking advice.
She captioned the image by explaining she was 120lbs (8.5 stone), and had been for the past five months.
The 23-year-old said: “My partner said this to me. Am I overreacting for feeling hurt by this?
“I’m at a loss and just can’t even comprehend how someone who claims to love me can say this.”
The messages reveal her now-ex was unhappy with how she looked, seemingly telling her she looked slimmer in her Instagram photos saying “that’s how I was introduced to you”.
And a big problem for him, he said: “The main issue is your gut might stick out more than mine, and that’s just weird.”
Posting the thread online, Shelby said her weight hadn’t changed since they met two months ago, staying at 120lbs (8.5 stone).
But her ex seemed to see if differently, as more messages Shelby shared read: “It’s not like I haven’t told you you’ve been gaining and need to lose anyway.”
He then follows it up with a cutting remark, saying he would be turned off if she kept on putting on weight, saying: “You’re definitely getting a beer gut babe.”
The thread of his choice remarks has now gone viral, being liked nearly 40,000 times.
And Shelby revealed it was the catalyst she needed to ditch him, posting: “I haven’t been able to see him since I posted this.
“With the help of my therapist today I have a plan to end things and move on.
“I will be seeing him tomorrow and dropping a hefty 180 pounds.”
In a twist of fate her ex-boyfriend was humbled, and said his comments going viral made him see how cruel he had been.
Shelby shared one final message from him, which said: “I do care Shelby. Like deeply.
“I just need to get over myself I guess… seriously I didn’t know.
“Like the internet helped me realize how bloated I was.”
He ended it by saying ‘viral is real’.
Happier being single, Shelby posted an update, writing: “I want to update you guys that we are broken up.
“He was really unhappy and felt like shit, especially after knowing my tweet went viral.
“He has told me he’ll use this as a learning experience to be a better person.
“And here I am, single and free.”
She explained how her body image over years, saying: “My journey of my body has been long.
“In high school I was 80-90 (5.7-6.4 stone) and my doctors never figured out why I couldn’t keep on weight.
“At 20, I started gaining. When I did, I never felt happier and more healthy.
“I worked hard for this body. I am 120 pounds (8.5 stone) of pure growth.”
It’s been revealed this type of personality could be making you fat.
But this is one thing to do to speed up your metabolism and lose weight for good.
This mum-of-two made her bloke have the snip so she could lose baby weight.