Pampered teen daughter of Britain’s first gay dads now also wants to have twins by surrogate – and will donate spare embryos to her parents
THE pampered daughter of Britain’s first gay dads has revealed she wants a surrogacy birth herself – and will donate her spare embryos to her parents.
Saffron Drewitt-Barlow, 18, first made headlines as a baby after she and twin brother Aspen became the first children in the UK to be registered as having two fathers.
Her millionaire dads, Barrie and Tony, had the twins through a surrogate mother and went on to have son Orlando, now 13, and twin boys Jasper and Dallas, six, using other surrogates.
Now Saffron has said she wants to have children by the same method and even wants to donate any spare embryos to her fathers who want more children, the reports.
But Saffron says her fathers, who accumulated a £40million fortune through medical testing, were “shocked” to hear her and boyfriend Scott’s plans.
She said Tony, who is suffering from a horrific side effect of throat cancer treatment, did not speak to her for days.
Saffron added: “Dad [Tony] was shocked to the core and he said we should be married before we have a kid and I needed to consider what I was saying.
“I’ve always known that I wanted to be a young mum, I just can’t face nine months of carrying them. Ideally, I would like twins: a boy and a girl.
“We have got all the technology with IVF and the surrogates through Daddy’s surrogacy company. I’ll be 19 by the time they are born – there’s plenty of mums that age.”
Saffron went on to say that she eventually talked her parents round to the idea and Tony “apologised” when he saw how much it meant to her.
Yesterday we told how Barrie was concerned Saffron’s brother Aspen was “going off the rails” after he notched up £50,000 credit card bills on wild nights out.
Barrie said he has lost count of the number of girls he sees to-ing and fro-ing from their house, claiming Aspen often sees up to eight in one weekend.
It’s got to the point where Barrie, 49, has threatened to stop his son’s £7,000-a-month allowance to force him into getting his act together.
“He [Aspen] is out partying every weekend, he’s just not interested in doing anything,” said Barrie.
“We said to him, like we did with Saffron, that we’d give him some money to start a business, and he’s trying to think at the moment about what he’d like to do.
“He’s done quite a bit of modelling over the years so I think he’s thinking about setting up his own model or talent agency. Whatever he ends up doing he’s got to stop this partying, crazy lifestyle – it’s too much.”
Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow were the first gay men in the UK to father children through surrogacy.
The two men have a combined wealth of £40million from various business ventures, including a global medical research company.
Barrie told how Aspen regularly notches up bills of up to £10,000 on a night out – and it’s often more when he’s out in Essex or London.
“I’ve had bills coming through for five to ten grand on some nights – and he’s spent a hell of a lot more than that,” said Barrie.
“When he goes to London and he’s in Mahiki, and he’s spending £1,500 a bottle on the most ridiculous bottles of champagne, you can bet your life it’s going to be a £25,000-£50,000 night.
And it seems Aspen’s habit of splashing the cash has made him a hit with the ladies, as Barrie said he often spies up to eight girls coming and going from their home at the weekends.
Barrie admitted: “I think he’s got a standing table at Nobu, the amount of girls he takes there all the time and the amount of credit card transactions I see coming up on my Amex (American Express credit card).”
He described the two-bedroom apartment next to their 25,000 square foot house, where Aspen lives, as being like a “knocking shop”.
“I see a different girl leaving in the morning to the girl who came round in the afternoon, it’s really weird,” said Barrie.
“On a good weekend I’m seeing eight girls come and go, different girls as well, not even the same one. They’re two at a time sometimes – I don’t know what goes on in his apartment.”
While Aspen gets a standard allowance of £7,000 a month for clothes and shoes, he also has an “open-ended platinum Amex”, meaning he “helps himself to whatever he wants”.
Barrie told how he and Tony bought the twins a brand new Land Rover Range Rover Sport HSE each for their 18th birthday last year – but Aspen has already upgraded his, shelling out £145,000 on the next model up, while keeping his old one.
“It’s like he’s got no comprehension of the cost of anything because he’s been doing it for such a long time,” said Barrie.
Tony is suffering from a horrific side effect of throat cancer treatment and is waiting for an operation in Florida, where the family live half of the year.
Barrie is desperate for Aspen to concentrate on getting his dad better and “settle down with a nice girl”, pointing out that his son is a good catch and incredibly generous.