What are the My Little Pony names and what do their cutie marks mean? From Twilight Sparkle to Rainbow Dash
Cutie marks are one of the My Little Pony franchise's most famous features
MANY generations have enjoyed the world of My Little Pony.
But have you ever wondered what the names of the ponies are in the latest TV show? Here's the lowdown on the ponies and their cutie marks.
What are the My Little Pony names and what do their cutie marks mean?
Cutie marks are one of the My Little Pony franchise's most famous features.
In the latest TV reincarnation of My Little Pony, cutie marks appear on a pony's flanks hind quarters when they have discovered their special talent.
Some cutie marks are present on only one pony, while other are more generic.
Twilight Sparkle
Twilight Sparkle is the central character and has a six-pointed star with five smaller stars. This is because she studied magic as a filly and she has now mastered her magical abilities.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash's current cutie mark is a cloud with a curved rainbow-coloured lightening bolt.
This represents her loves to show off her fast-flying moves and her Sonic Rain Boom.
Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie has three balloons.
This represents her love for organising parties and her social energy.
Princess Celestia
Princess Celestia has an eight-pointed sun.
This cutie mark represents her responsibility for raising the sun.
Rarity has three lozenge diamonds.
Rarity is a unicorn and her name suggests she is a rare find - like a diamond.
Applejack has three red apples.
The apples are representative of how she lives and works at Sweet Apple Acres.
Fluttershy has three butterflies as her cutie mark.
This represents her love of animals and is the animal caretaker in Ponyville.