How often should you wash your hair and is it bad to shampoo it everyday?
WASHING and drying your hair is no easy feat, so there's very little wonder why most of us put it off for as long as we possibly can.
But have you ever wondered how some people can go days, or even a week, without washing while others insist on washing it every single day?
How often should you wash your hair?
In short, how often you wash your hair each week all depends on your hair type and lifestyle, experts claim.
However, there are a few helpful hints and tricks for washing your locks the optimum amount - and the less you wash your hair, the less you will have to in the long run.
As a general rule, if your hair is dry, you should wash your hair a maximum of twice a week, while oilier hair can be washed more frequently - as and when needed.
And when it comes to washing, try not to shampoo the ends of your hair, just let the shampoo rinse through them to prevent extra drying.
If you have long flowing locks, you need less washing as the oil will take longer to reach the ends - if the hair looks flat at the roots, use a dry shampoo.
Dyed hair is likely to be drier and therefore should need less washing.
Some types of curly or Afro hair can be left longer between washes – usually a week.
And celebrity stylist Shah Karegar recently revealed that brunettes should not wash their hair more than twice a week or they will lose their shine.
Is it bad to shampoo every day?
Washing your hair everyday is routine for some - but it could be doing more harm than good.
Justin Anderson, a celebrity hairstylist, told : "Overwashing your hair – which means every day or more – will dry out your hair, not only because you are stripping the hair of its natural oils, but also because you will probably end up using heat on the hair more often as well."
Previously, we revealed how another stylist was also against an every day hair wash.
According to stylist Scott Miller of Bauhuas salons, just one wash a week could be enough for some of us.
He said washing every day, as many of us do, is overkill as your hair is not dirty and overwashing will stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil, making it more greasy.
He told : “Unless you’ve been working really hard at the gym or have been on a building site and it’s covered in dust – you don’t need to wash your hair every day.
"There's a big #nopoo movement at the moment, with people boasting about going weeks without shampooing, but for most of us, cutting out one or two washes will make a big difference."