You can now get paint-on eyebrow extensions that look like real hair… so would YOU give them a go?
Eyebrows frame our face and can be hard to get right
EYEBROW mistakes have become a common occurrence thanks to social media trends.
Last year we saw the triple brow and Nike-inspired brows.
The main brow trends centred around thicker, more defined brows and now Vogue Korea has a solution to all our problems.
The magazine of new product called ‘Reallyyy Eyebrow Extension’.
The eyebrow thickener let’s you paint on extra hairs to your brows.
The applicator picks up hairs from the jar and transfer them straight onto your face giving extra definition.
This technique is similar to applying fiber mascara by using hair-like pieces to build natural-looking volume.
Reallyyy claim their gel is long-lasting and swear resistant.
The pain-free way of avoiding microblading looks pretty realistic, judging from the pictures.
The K-beauty trend is only available in Korea right now.
Last year we shared some of the worst eyebrows.
And check out these lightning bolt-shaped brows and matching eyeliner.